Tari vs Belle -Round 3-

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Jean was using his Spiritual while Jenny was using her Angel energy to heal (Y/N) who is resting on Lucy.

Lucy: Is he going to be alright?

Jean: Yeah, so far no strain in his body.

Jenny: Whatever that power that he use seem to be gone for now. He'll wake up soon enough before his next match.

Rexy: Thanks goodness. 

David: But that don't explain where he gain that power before. Do you know anything about it?

Machito: I'm just as clueless as you David. Last time that happen when we first met him and his friends during Dark Squid attack.

Crimson: What type of Guardian is he?

Lucy: *Hold (Y/N) close to me* How about we just let him rest up. He's very tired.

Javier: Very well.

(Y/N): Zzz...

Lucy: *Kiss (Y/N) forehead*

Blaze: *Arm cross and wondering what I just sense from (Y/N)* Hmm...

Desti: Hey, what your thinking about?

Blaze: *Whisper to Desti* I sense something deep within (Y/N). I NEVER sense a power like that in any Guardian Kind before.

Desti: *Whisper* Is this going to affect our plan on winning the Tournament?

Blaze: *Whisper* I honestly doubt that. But let focus on the Tournament.

Desti: Alright.

As Volcanic made it back to Saber and Rosy as she went to Volcanic and was sitting on her lap as the main screen show the next match.

Masa: The next match is about to begin! And it a showdown between two Powerful Meta Guardian that Graduate from the Meta Guardian Academy. It going to be a rematch between my daughter, Tari Dasher and her long time rival who is a very skill fighter and very powerful. Her combat skill is more fast and quicker then any Meta Guardian and is being train by the Ultimate Guardian himself and aiming to be the Ultimate Meta Guardian. Give it up for Belle Spark!

Everyone cheer for the next fight.

Belle: *Crack my neck and stretch* Look like we're up Tari. I been waiting for a rematch for so long. But I'm not the same like we last face. 

Tari: *Glare at Belle* Hey, I have gotten stronger as well! 

Belle: *Roll my eyes* Then prove to me on the fight. *Look at David* Wish me luck Master.

David: *Arm cross and close my eyes* Hmph, you don't need luck. Just remembering your training.

Belle: *Nod* Yes Master. I'll win this for your nieces. *Exit the Waiting Booth*

Machito: * Look at Tari and pat her back* You got this cuz. Show Belle how much stronger you gotten.

Tasha: *Thumb up* You show her that your the strongest Meta Guardian ever.

Tari: *Smile* I will! *Deep breath* Let do this. 

Tari exit the Waiting Booth and she & Belle was on the Battle Arena.

Mary: *:D* Go big sister, Belle!

Jackie: Go cousin!

Lucia: Win this match!

Lamar: Go Tari! Show Belle that you still got it!

Sofia: *Giggle and shout* Yeah! Go Tari!

Daughter: *Giggle*

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