Curlandb vs Luke -Round 2-

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Smashie eyes was beginning to open after what to her during her match against Crimson as she was waking up.

Smashie: *Rub my head* Ugh... *Look around and saw I was in the Nursing room* I'm at the Nursing room?

???: Smashie!

Smashie saw Kendall, Jaden and Penny with a relief look as Kendall hug Smashie tightly.

Smashie: *Confuse* Grandma?

Kendall: *Hugging Smashie* Are you okay, Smashie? Do you feel fine? Nothing hurting you?  

Smashie: I'm feeling fine... But I do feel a bit dizzy...  What happen?

Jaden: Hmm? You don't remember what happen?

Smashie: No? Everything went black during my... Match. Wait did I lose?

Penny: *Rub my head Awkward* Yeah... You lost your match against Crimson after what happen to you.

Smashie: What happen to me? How long was I out?

Jaden: After the few matches.

Kendall: You was out cold... (Y/N), Roger, James, Luke, Ella, Sunshine and Aqua was worry sick about you. 

Smashie: Huh? I still confuse? What happen to me?

Kendall, Jaden & Penny look at each other with worry look on how to tell Smashie about the Curse of the Demon Corruption.

Penny: That... Is going to be a bit... Hard to hear Smashie...

Smashie: W-Why?

Kendall: *Hold Smashie hand* Just... Calm down... And just listen ok.

Smashie: Okay, Grandma....

Jaden: Alright... It all started with Jean checking on you.

As Kendall, Jaden & Penny begin to tell Smashie about the curse.

-Amity Colosseum-

Masa: The 8th match is about to begin. And it the halfway mark of the 1st round. 

Cora: To the right side, He's a Star Guardian like Starla and is very powerful! He was train by his Grandfather & Older Sister, love to hang out with his friends and is together with an Inkling Guardian Name Jenny. Give it up for Curlandb Shine!

Curlandb enter the stage with a few floating Stars and shine brightly while everyone was cheering ad are amaze from the light show he just put.

Curlandb: Hey everyone! Hope you are all ready for this match! It going to shine brighter than the Star itself!

Jenny: *Eyes heart* My handsome Star Guardian boyfriend.

Jean: *Chuckle* Oh cuz.

Tasha: Go little bro!

Jan: Win this match for cuz! 

Curlandb: *Nod* This is for you Jenny!

Jenny: *Blush*

Professor Olivia: To the left side he's an Inkling Guardian who can use his aura to make into many weapon or anything he can make, used to live at the Orphanage and is a comedy person. Give it up for Luke!

Luke jump on the Battle Arena and reach his fist.

Luke: Hope your all ready for this CRUSHING Victory! This will be PUNNING victory.   

Roger: Why darn it...?

James: He can't goes one day without saying these pun.

(Y/N): *Chuckle* You know he just keeping his spirit up.

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