Prologue: The Fights Begin (3/3)

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-Beacon Academy-

The students and Guardian of Beacon Academy was heading to the Sparring room to watch the Guardian Tournament as Team SWLA, Sam and Jennifer was walking together whole Lily was holding Jennifer hand.

Ashley: I'm so pump! This tournament is going to be epic!

Wally: *Roll my eyes* The point of the Tournament is to show the result of a fully train Guardians and Huntman-.

SRJ: I wonder how many weapons I'm going to see in the Tournament!

Wally: *Sigh* And you guys are messing the point of this lesson.

Sam: *Laughing* The hype is getting to them, bro.

Wally: I feel like you and me are the only sane person in the team.

Lily: Oh? What about me?

Wally: Oh! And you too.

Jennifer: *Shy* And... Me...?

Wally: *Smile* And you too, Jennifer.

It been a few week since Jennifer was taken in by Team SWLA and Sam to take care of her and she show a bit closer to them and love being around them like new friends and is happy that they're taking care of her.

Lily: *Smile and look at Jennifer* Excited to watch the Tournament, Jennifer?

Jennifer: Yes I am.

Sam: *Smile* Some of my family are competing in it. Watch careful on how they fight.

Jennifer: *Nod* Okay.

???: Yo!

As Matt caught up to them.

SRJ: Matt? Why are you behind? Your suppose to be with your team.

Matt: *Nervous* I overslept.

Sam: I figure.

Jennifer: *Giggle*

Matt: *Smile* How Have you been Jennifer?

Jennifer: *A bit shy* I'm doing well.

Matt: *Smile* Sweet.

As they heard Professor Glynda.

Professor Glynda: Everyone get inside. The tournament is about to start!

Sam: We better get going.

As they head inside the Sparring room and take there seat.

-Jack Mansion-

Leone, Razor, Sophia, Maxwell, Ava, Winter, Rex, Rexsettle, Mitra, Platinum, Andries, Claudia, Meteor, Starica and Matthew was at the living room getting ready to watch the Guardian Tournament as Jack & Lucinda came back with some snack.

Jack: The snack is ready.

Lucinda: *Place the snack on the table* Enjoy!

Rexsettle: *:O* Yummy, snack!

Winter: *Smile* Have some Sweetheart.

Rexsettle: Yay! *Eating some cookie*

Sophia: *Give a piece of cake and rub my stomach* Here a sweet for you, sweetheart. *Eating cake*

Leone: *Smile and kiss Lucinda & Jack* Amazing job my loves.

Jack: *Blush* Thanks, Leone.

Lucinda: *Blush and giggle*

Razor: *Chuckle and hold my pregnant wife close to me* Can't wait to see Rexy & Starla giving there all in the Tournament.

Sophia: *Blush and nuzzle Razor* Me too.

Lucy X Reader: The Guardian Tournament (Gachaverse96)Where stories live. Discover now