Annie vs Andrea -Round 3 & Last Match-

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-Take place after Razor X Sophia Reaction Of What Blaze Did To Rexy in LXR Gacha Club Moment (Gachaverse96)-

After a few minutes Rexy was sitting down on the chair in the waiting room with Saiko holding his hand while Team JNR, Starla, Stark, Daughter and Max was sitting down and was worry.

Rexy: ...

Saiko:  *Lean my head on Rexy shoulder* My love...

Jaune: *Worry* Come on Rexy, please say something.

Rexy: ... What there to say... Blaze use my own past to win... 

Daughter: I don't know where he got that from, but he have no right to do that to you.

Max: *Nod* That's wrong to do.

Nora: *Growl* I swear I want to break his leg for that!

Ren: Dishonor way on winning a match...

Starla: I agree... *Gently kiss Rexy cheek* You could have won this match, but I hate seeing you in pain like this...

Stark: Me too... 

Rexy: ...

Jaune: You know... All that he say about you isn't true.

Saiko: Jaune's right.... You and your father are NOT the same. Our love is TRUE and REAL, he only say that to hurt you and win the match. I know you would NEVER force me to love you. You're the BEST and KINDEST Boyfriend I ever love. 

Rexy: *Smile a bit* Thanks my love... I'm sorry for letting my hatred get the better of me.

Nora: Hey... *Gently boop Rexy nose* You got nothing to be sorry about. We always look out for each other. We're Team JNR after all.

Ren: And we're also family as well.

Jaune: *Smile* Indeed. You always help us, so it our turn to help you.

Rexy: *Smile a feeling a bit better* Thanks guys...   

As a Star Portal open i the waiting room.

Starla: Hmm?

Stark: Is that Mommy Star Portal-.

Razor & Sophia came out of the Star Portal.

Daughter: That answer your question.

Razor/Sophia: Rexy!

Rexy: *Surprise* Uncle Razor, Aunt Sophia. What are you doing-.

Sophia hug Rexy tightly while gently stroke his hair.

Sophia: My sweet nephew! Are you okay!? We was so worry over what happen!

Rexy: *Hard time to breath from Sophia hug* Can't... Breath.... Aunt... Sophia...

Razor: *Chuckle* Uhh... My love. 

Sophia: Oh! *Giggle and let go of Rexy* Sorry! I'm just really worry about Rexy.

Razor: I know. *Look at Rexy* How you feeling?

Rexy: *Breathe and sigh a bit* I'm feeling a bit better, but... I'm not ready to join the other yet...

Razor: Hey... *Gently touch Rexy shoulder* Take as much time as you want.

Sophia: Indeed. You don't have to come out yet, *Smile* we can watch the matches together on the T.V. 

Rexy: *Smile a bit* Sure...

Sophia: *Smile and felt a bit sick* Argh...

Starla: *Worry* Are you okay Mommy? You don't look good.

Lucy X Reader: The Guardian Tournament (Gachaverse96)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora