Crimson vs Jean -Round 3-

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Curlandb and Jennyonetta made it back to the other as they about to sit, Jennyonetta felt someone hugging her leg.

Jennyonetta: Hmm? *Look down and saw Rosy* Aww, hey Rosy.

Rosy: *:D and nuzzle Jennyonetta leg*

Volcanic: *Smile* Hey guys. Mind if we seat with you?

Saber: Rosy was really looking forward to sit next to you Jenny.

Jennyonetta: *Smile and carry Rosy* Is that so? I don't mind at all.

Curlandb: The more the merrier.

Saber: *Smile* Thanks!

As they sit down.

Jennyonetta: *Pat Rosy head* You're enjoying the tournament, Rosy?

Rosy: *Nod happily*

Volcanic: *Smile* She enjoy watching the matches. And was a bit sad that you lose Jenny.

Jennyonetta: Yeah, I did my best but at least Rosy enjoy the match.

Rosy: *:D and Glow rainbow*

Curlandb: *Smile* I been meaning to ask, does Rosy know how to talk?

Jennyonetta: *Look at Rosy* You know... You look around a few year old, do you talk?

Volcanic and Saber have a worry look and... Didn't know how to say it.

Saber: Well... It kind of hard to say.

Curlandb: How so...?

Volcanic: This is something... We don't talk about... It's bring back back memories... Rosy... Is a mute.

Jennyonetta: *Shock* Rosy... Don't talk at all.

Saber: We... Don't know. Let just say when Volcanic found her... She was very scare and... Might be traumatized...

Curlandb: *Shock and look at Rosy who have a sad look* I see... I'm sorry. I can't imagine what horrible thing she saw that cause her to be mute...

Jennyonetta: *Worry and gently stroke Rosy tentacle and kiss her forehead* You poor girl...

Rosy: *Rest my head on Jennyonetta and felt her warm hand for comfort*

Volcanic: Ever since that... Me and Saber been trying our best to raise Rosy and give her a peaceful life from what she saw... I don't want to say what it was... It... Hurt so much...

Curlandb: Hey, you don't have to... If it bring you too much bad memories we understand.

Jennyonetta: I think you two are doing very well on raising Rosy.

Saber: Thanks... We're doing our best to raise her... But if we have to be honest, raising a young child is very new to us.

Volcanic: We're doing our best to give Rosy the best life ever. At least we hope that we're doing alright...

Curlandb and Jennyonetta look at each other and was thinking of a way to help them... And got an idea.

Jennyonetta: *Smile* You know, if you need help raising Rosy. Me, Curco and our friend would be happy to help and teach you two how to take care a child.

Volcanic: You guys... Would do that?

Curlandb: *Smile* Of course. Alot of our friends know alot on taking care of child. We would be happy to help!

Saber: *Smile* That... Would be nice.

As the Main Screen went on and the 8th match was about to start.

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