Lucy vs Sunshine -Round 2-

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Smashie: *Sniffing* ...

Kendall: *Gently stroke Smashie hair* Feeling better Smashie? 

Smashie: *Sniff* A little... 

Jaden: *Smile* At least it a start.

Smashie: But... I'm still a bit scare of myself...

Penny: Being scare is okay, Smashie... But you can't let fear get to you. We'll figure out how to get rid of this curse.

Smashie: Like how...? There NO Cure for non Angel & Spiritual... What if I lose control of myself... I'm just... So scare...

Jaden: *Gently touch Smashie* Hey... Calm down... *Deep breath* Deep breath... Like the wind.

Smashie: *Deep breath*

Jaden: Breath in and out.

Smashie: *Breath in & out and begin feeling calm*

Jaden: There... How about we head back to the other. I'm sure they'll be glad to see your okay.

Smashie: I don't know... If I'm even ready yet. I feel bad for making you, Grandma and Penny missing alot of matches... I feel awful for missing my friends matches...

Penny: *Smile* Hey, the Tournament is the symbol of peace and to welcome new Guardian Kinds & Earth. (Y/N), Roger, James, Luke, Ella, Aqua and Sunshine are worry sick about you... Including Crimson, Javier and Jean.

Smashie: Even if I hurt Crimson...

Kendall: Crimson knew you have the SAME curse like him. If it wasn't for him no telling what would happen to you... Crimson SAVE you and even told us about it. *Smile* He's a very sweet boy for helping my Granddaughter and I own him so much for saving you.

Smashie: *Blush a bit* I see...

Penny: *Scan* Hmm... Why am I detecting heart beating smoothly & a bit of heat on Smashie cheek?

Kendall: *Giggle* Oh? Is that so?

Smashie: *Red blush* Penny!

Penny: *Confuse* What? My scanner was just picking something? Are you sick?

Smashie: *Red blush* N-No... 

Penny: *Confuse* Then what is it? I'm a bit confuse.

Smashie: *Red blush* U-Uhhh...

Jaden: *Chuckle* Hey Penny. How about you get us something to eat. And we can watch the Matches through the Scroll. And then we'll head back with the other at the 3th Round.

Penny: *Gasp* Alright! I'll bring back alot of foods! And then I'll enhance the Screen to make it bigger so we can watch the matches together! :D

Kendall: *Smile* Sure why not.

Penny: Yay! I'll be right back! *Went to get food*

Jaden: *Smile* Penny is a sweet girl.

Kendall: *Smile* Indeed. So... Smashie. Crimson huh?

Smashie: *Red blush and cover my face* GRANDMA!!!

Jaden & Kendall laugh a bit and is happy that Smashie is feeling a bit better.

-Amity Colosseum-

Professor Olivia: The 12th match of the Guardian Tournament is about to begin! To the right side, She's a very powerful & skill Jackal Guardian who can go up to Guardian Might X500! She is the Stepsister of Machito and her mother is marry to Machito Parent and is part of the Dasher Family. She the force to NOT be mess with and have a very caring heart for her family and is dating a (Y/N). Give it up for Lucy Dasher!

Lucy X Reader: The Guardian Tournament (Gachaverse96)Where stories live. Discover now