Tasha vs Javier -Round 3-

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-Atlas Academy-

Ironwood, Professor Techna and other teachers was watching the main Screen along with his Students, Guardian and Meta Guardians from the Meta Guardian Academy was watching the Guardian Tournament and the students are very amaze and impress from each match they watch.

Ironwood: *Smile* Look like The Guardian Tournament is going well so far. This event is really bringing the two world together.

Professor Techna: The new Guardian Kind are very impressive and powerful. There haven't been any problem. This will be a great start of the new era.

Ironwood: Indeed. I hope thing goes smoothly, the one thing we don't need... *Sigh* Is another history repeat like the Fall of Beacon. *Look at my Metal Hand* Or losing sight of myself again from fear...

Professor Techna: *Smile* Hey... *Place my hand on Ironwood shoulder* That's all in the past. You been doing really well after your Mental Recovery, James.

Ironwood: *Sigh* I know... But.... I still can't forgive myself for all the mistake and choice I did... Fear of consume me and I was paranoid from Salem and was the trust I have broken... The life of one of the Council Member of Altas I took away without second thought. I'm atoning for all that horrible mistake... I may be lucky to gain my position as General of the Alta Military back... But my time as the Council Member is over. I can accept that, I just help I'm going everything I can to make this right.

Professor Techna: And you are doing great Ironwood. Don't think back on the mistake you did. Move on and look forward to the future. You regain the trust that was broken long ago and been helping alot. *Smile* And beside with Robyn Hill holding two seat of the Council and with her Lie Detection Semblance while being the President of Mantle both Alta Kingdom and Mantle are now STRONGER than ever together. I say it in BETTER hand then ever and she can defend you too. Have faith in yourself Ironwood.

Ironwood: *Smile* Okay, I'll be sure to not doubt myself. Thanks old friend.

Professor Techna: *Wink* No problem. You may be all machinery but your still a man.

Ironwood: *Roll my eyes* The human part left is my head. Can you really call me a man?

Professor Techna: Then do you rather be call tin man?

Ironwood: ... Okay, fine I'm still a man.

Alta Soldier: *Arriving* General Ironwood, we got an important call by TAS Corp, Lux himself.

Ironwood: Hmm? Is it urgent?

Alta Soldier: He want to tell you himself.

Professor Techna: I see. I'll watch the students

Ironwood: Very well.

Ironwood went to answer the call.

-Amity Colosseum- 

Professor Olivia: The 6th match is about to start! The battle between the Curlandb older sister and a very powerful and skill combat Meta Guardian. Give it up for Tasha & Javier!

Everyone cheer loudly for the next match.

Crimson: *Bro fist Javier* Good luck Old Friend.

Javier: *Smile* Thanks. I'll give it my all. *Exit the Waiting Booth*

Jenny: Show Javier what you got Tasha!

Jean: *Smile* Just fight smart my love. With that Pressure Point attack, Javier is a very difficult opponent to face.

Tasha: *Smile and kiss Jean* I will. I'll be careful. Wish me luck.

Lucy: *Smile* We're already.

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