Annie vs Roger -Round 2-

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Rubyonetta: Wow, Javier is a very skill opponent!

Mary: *:O* He's didn't even break his aura.

David: Hmph... A very interest Meta Guardian. *Thought* But clearly he is holding back more power.

Mary: But Uncle David can handle him! He's the Ultimate Guardian! :D

David: *Chuckle and pat Mary head* I'll give it my all if I face him.

Rubyonetta: *Giggle and look at the match board* Look like Round 2 is close to be over.

David: Yeah and it *Look at the time* It's about to be noon. 

Mary: *Confuse* I didn't think the fight would be really slow.

Rubyonetta: It usually does from how caught up and awesome the battle is. It does feel like time goes a bit slow.

David: It usually is.

Rubyonetta: *Giggle* You know... It got me thinking on our future.

David: Like what?

Rubyonetta: *Smile and hold David arm close to me* Like how our future child will do in the Tournament.

David: *Blush a bit and looking at the Battle Arena while staying calm* Hmm... I see our child going all in and fighting with weapon and being fast like you and use my Chao Semblance and to carry it Pride as the Next Ultimate Guardian like me.

Rubyonetta: *Smile* I think our daughter would do great!

David: You believe our first child would be a girl?

Rubyonetta: *Smile* It a STRONG feeling. *Look at Mary and gently carry Mary* Taking care of Mary, it make me want to have a little girl. Sometime when I babysit Mary, we pretend to be mommy and daughter, I would always take care of Mary as she was my own daughter... It like I see myself in Mary and I'm like a Super Mom just like my mom. *Kiss Mary forehead* It just make me so happy and... That what make me believe we'll have a little girl.

Mary: *Smile and nuzzle Rubyonetta face* Aunt Ruby! I love you like my own mommy!

Rubyonetta: *Smile* I love you like my own daughter.

David look at Rubyonetta & Mary... The two very close family he have in his life. The one that fill the pain and void in his heart and what push him to keep the promise he made to his little sister Serena. Even thought he's a cold Guardian but David care DEEPLY about them.

David: *Smile and hug Rubyonetta & Mary* Ruby... When the time come for our little girl is born. Let give her the BEST life ever and raise her together so we can start having a family. And if you want to have more children... I'll be happy to help you.

Rubyonetta: *Red blush* Davidie.

Mary: Does that mean she going to be like my little sister?

David: *Smile* If I have to be honest, she would be your cousin. But you can call her little sister if you want to. 

Mary: Yes!

David: *Smile* I promise we'll be together as a family and I will promise you both. 

Rubyonetta: *Smile hold them close to me* I can't wait to be your wife someday.

David: *Smile* And I can't wait to be your husband.

Mary: *:3 and saw the match is about to start* The next match is starting!

Rubyonetta: *Smile* Let continue watching the match shall we.

 David nod as they watch the match.

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