Tasha vs Daughter -Round 2-

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Multi numbers of TAS Corp Fleet was above a villages after the Forces have stop another group of Grimms and was supposing the Village Defend and giving them massive supplies of foods, drinks, weapon and many other thing as Lux was talking to the Head Chef Huntman of his Villages.

Head Chef Huntman: Lux, you're Forces have done a valuably Job on saving my Village and MANY lives here. We would have been done for if it wasn't for your Company.

Lux: *Smile* Please, it what TAS Corp is all about. We're just doing everything we can to give people a safe place to live and protect you all from threat. We're all in the side after all.

Head Chef Huntman: You and your company have prove more to be the one to truly count on. Even though the Altas Military have a rough history and rebuilding themselves. But I feel like your company are the True Heroes.

Lux: *Smile* That's very nice of you to say. TAS Corp is anyway looking for new peoples to job us to Extend the Company much LARGER and give Remnant a better path to peace for all Kingdom. But of course it YOUR choice.

Head Chef Huntman: *Thinking about Lux Offer to Support TAS Corp and see how helpful they are & felt thankful for the save...  And I have thought of my choice* Lux... You have me and my people support. Our Huntmans, Huntress and Guardians will help your company and your team.

Lux: *Smile* Very well. Thank you for your Support.

Head Chef Huntman: No, thank you.

Willow & a few TAS Corp Elite Robot enter the building.

Willow: Lux, your Meta Guardians Team have return the Scouting Team and are all well okay.

Lux: Good. I'll go check on them. Willow mind giving this nice Chef the Contract to Support our Company?

Willow: As you wish, Lux.

Willow went to hand the Contract to the Head Chef Huntman while Lux exit the building and saw Whitley looking at the Children watching the Guardian Tournament.

Lux: Whitley. What are you doing?

Whitley: Oh! Hey, Boss. Just watching the children. They seem to be watching the Guardian Tournament.

Lux: Guardian Tournament. Hmph, I can never understand the point of Tournament if we're trying to bring peace. *Sigh* But that there business. Whitley mind coming with me to check on them?

Whitley: Of course.

Lux & Whitley went to check on the Meta Guardian & the Scouting Team.

-Amity Colosseum-

Professor Oobleck: Time for the 10th Match of the Guardian Tournament to begin.

Callie: On the right side, she's a Star Guardian and the older sister of Curlandb. She is marry to a Krakling Guardian name Jean and is known to be train by a powerful being and her husband can't get enough of her hot beauty. Give it up for Tasha Shine!

Tasha enter the Battle Arena and was shining like a Beautiful Star and raise her fist.

Tasha: Hello everyone! *Wink at Jean*

Everyone cheer loudly while Jean face turn red.

Jan: *Laughing* Man, you can't get enough of her! I'm surprise you and Tasha didn't even start having child together yet!

Jean: *Red blush* BRO!!!!!

Annie: *Laughing* 

Curlandb: Go big sis!

Lucy X Reader: The Guardian Tournament (Gachaverse96)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ