Machito vs James -Round 2-

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-After telling Smashie about the Curse of the Demon Corruption-

Smashie: *Horror* I-It can't be true... Am I... Really Curse?

Kendall: ... Yes...

Smashie: *Scare* And there no cure for the non Angel & Spiritual...?

Penny: I'm sorry, there isn't...

Smashie: *Tear while clutching my head in fear* This can't be... So what I saw... Was really Crimson... I could have kill him... If I lose control... I'll end up hurting my friend... I'm dangerous to them!

Kendall: *Hug Smashie tightly* No you're not... 

Jaden: *Hug Smashie tightly* You're not a dangerous to us.

Smashie: *Crying* I don't know if I believe that... My family killer place that horrible curse on me... Just for me to suffer more... I'm so scare right now...

Jaden: I promise that monster will pay for what he done to you... We'll get through this together Smashie... I'm not going to let my Granddaughter suffer from the Curse. No matter what we'll going to help you.

Smashie: *Crying* Grandpa, Grandma... *Crying on them*

Jaden: *Comforting* Shhhh...

Kendall: *Gently stroke Smashie* We're here Smashie, shhh...

Penny: *Thought* It going to be okay... The Curse will NOT consume you... We'll make sure of it.

-Amity Colosseum-

Professor Olivia: 9th Match is about to begin! And boy we got a great match as well. To the right side, you all may know him as the Leader of the Legendry Team Defender, he a Wind Guardian and fight countless foe and save remnant from destruction and is the Guardian Member of Team RWBY and is engage with Clauds Krakenson. Give it up for Machito!

Machito arrive at the Battle Arena and wave at everyone.

Clauds: *Eyes heart* My Hero!

Daughter: Yeah Bro!

Tari: Go Cousin!

Sofia: Yeah!

Meggy: Show James what you got Blue!

Lucy: *Smile* Give it your all Bro like you always do!

(Y/N): *Chuckle*

Jackie/Lucia: Big brother!

Yang: Let see James can handle Machito.

Roger: I mean he is facing against Mentor son, it going to be a challenge.

Weiss: James is about to see the full skill of a Guardian.    

David: *Roll my eyes* Hmph, it about time Son goes next. Hope he isn't risky.

Rubyonetta: *Giggle* Oh he not Davidie. Machito is still becoming more stronger.

Mary: The fight is about to start!

David: *Arm cross while watching* I'll be the judge of that. If he can make it far.

Desti: *Unamused* Great have to watch one of Meggy Teammate match.

Blaze: This match isn't going to be long. But I can't wait to put him out of the ring.

Masa: And to the left side is an Inkling Guardian with his Shadow Power and grew up in the Orphanage and have good combat skill. Give it up for James!

James enter battle Arena while people cheer.

Aqua: Go James!

Luke: You better OWN this match!

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