Ep 44: The Shadow Phoenix

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't matter Phi, but we have Theodore now and he knows all about your power. If there's anyone who can stop you it's him!"

Valt got into his launching stance while Xander did the same.

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

As soon as both beys landed they immediately clashed with sparks flying everywhere. But then they both went flying and rebounded off the stadium wall.

"Let go of Xander, Phi!"

"That is no way to speak to your Lord!"

Then kicking up speed Valtryek came in for the attack knocking out Xcalius out of the stadium.

"You annoying little..."

Cutting him off, Valt got into his launching stance while Xander/ Phi did the same. Looking across the stadium Valt had a new energy about him.

Even though Phi himself would have easily gotten Valt in that moment, Valt was smiling from ear to ear.

With his eyes glowing Phi could see Valtryek but there was something else. There was something behind Valtryek almost like it's shadow was moving.

The vision faded and Valt returned to looking normal again.

Phi forced Xander to get into Phi's launching stance while Valt did the same.

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

The second battle started out just like the first with both beys attacking each other.

Over and over they collided in a storm of sparks. But as they collided again both beys started slowing down.

"When this all over Phi, you and Theodore are going to be locked up for a very long time where you can't hurt anybody anymore."

At this point Xcalius started wobbling and so was Valtryek.

"How do you know you can trust someone like Theodore? He may be on your side now but if I do recall he never answered all your questions...You will soon learn that Theodore Glass is like a rat Valt, you never know which side he's truly on..."

Valtryek bumped into Xcalius making it spin a little faster while Xcalius stopped spinning.

"Until next time Valt." Xander walked off the stage and so did Valt.

After the elevator door closed Valt started sprinting.


After turning a corner Valt found the training rooms.

Looking inside he found Drum helping Aiger.

"Hey guys have you seen Theodore?"

"Yeah I think he was heading to where we meant this morning for that team meeting."

Running off Valt left them heading to Theodore's private seats.

Opening the door Theodore stood with Norman beside him.

"Valt Aoi, I was wondering when you were going to show up. If you would please excuse me Norman."

Norman nodded his head walking away.

Once he closed the door Theodore pulled out a chair.

"You can relax Valt, we're on the same side here."

Valt sat down in the chair looking down at the stadium.

"Are you really Theodore? Where were you this morning?"

"I know how difficult this must be for you Valt but you need to understand that our motives align. I can teach you everything you would want to know including how to resist Phi's power."

"Which is why I was gone this morning, Phi gets more powerful as each day passes which is why we have to stop him."

"But how do we stop Phi, he can easily take control of anyone!"

"Which brings me into why I wanted to talk to you. Have you ever wondered why Phi didn't "take control" of me?"

Valt shook his head letting Theodore continue.

"You're a smart kid Valt, always wanting answers...even coming to me knowing Phi could have easily turn you. But the answer is rather simple because he can't turn me."

"But how?"

"Well in order to stop Phi you first must understand his power. What do you know about Phi's power?"

"He can corrupt other bladers and take control of them like they're his puppets."

"Good, but there's more to Phi than just "corrupting other bladers" Phi's power as you know is Corruption, Darkness, etc. But it is also flame and heat. In a way Phi's avatar could be considered a Shadow Phoenix if you will."

"A Shadow Phoenix?"


"But how do we stop him?"

"The same way you stopped Shu a couple of years ago: by showing him the light."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now