Ep 42: The Basement part 4

Start from the beginning

As Toko stood up Shu's eyes were locked on Phi's.

"Join me Shu, and think of what we could do together.."

Phi walked over to Shu circling him like a shark.

"I've seen how you battle, and I know you still use some of Red Eyes techniques."

Stopping Phi put his hand on Shu's shoulder.

Leaning down next to Shu's ear he whispered:

"Even if you don't join me, I'll personally let you witness me consume all the light left in Valt and when there's nothing left of him you're next."

Turning around Phi wasn't behind him anymore and instead on the other side of the stadium.

"How did you..."

"It doesn't matter, now then what do you say? Are we going to battle or will you become my next puppet." Phi's eyes flashed black with power.

And Shu could feel Phi's dark power pulse inside him.

Turning away from Phi, Shu looked over at Toko.

"Don't do it Shu, you know what he can do. If he gets the chance he'll easily just turn you whenever he wants. Aigers beaten him before we could just talk to him."

"True, but we need all the help we can get, to Phi this is just a game and we're his entertainment. Besides he wouldn't just let us have Fubuki."

"But even if you do win Phi could still just turn you to his side."

"I'm willing to take that risk, Fubuki's the only other person who's defeated Phi before and he may know something about Phi that we don't."

Turning back to Phi, Shu nodded his head.

"I accept."

Getting into his launching stance Phi did the same.

"3...2...1, Let it Rip!"

"Turbo Crux Boost!"

Phoenix took the center while Spryzen started attacking.

Meanwhile Phi stood on the other side watching everything. His eyes were locked on the battle watching everything in the stadium.

As Spryzen attacked again, Phoenix brushed off the attack sending Spryzen flying.

Hitting the side of the stadium Spryzen recovered building speed for another attack.

"Turbo Spryzen Whip!"

Both beys collided and Phoenix's armor came flying off.

As Phoenix neared the armor Spryzen got in the way defending off Phoenix's attacks.

"Spryzen now!"

Spryzen rose swinging his axe while Phi did the same. Phoenix let out an inhumane cry and it's eyes glowed golden.

As they collided time seemed to stop and a cloud of destruction and force clouded the battle. Phi and Shu stood watching and waiting to see who was the winner.

When the cloud dissipated the pieces of Phoenix were laying in the center while Spryzen stopped spinning.

Phi's eyes widened while Toko high fived Shu.

"That was awesome Shu!"

Picking up the pieces of Phoenix, Phi stood looking at Phoenix.

Narrowing his eyes, his power started building around him and his eyes glowed black.

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