Bisexual- requested- cute

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This imagine is for @amandatrusty I hope you like it x - Paige

I sit cuddling my boyfriend Daniel and kiss his cheek. " do you love me Daniel" I say. He looks at me. "'Of course i do, why would you even ask that Paige I love you more than anything." I smile and stand up. " do you love me" I stay quiet and nod. " yeah I do" I walk away. I walk into our shared bedroom. How do I tell him I'm bisexual I'm scared to tell him. What if he doesn't love me. What if he stops loving me.

I sit on my bed and breathe out slowly. " you got this Paige " I say to myself and make my way downstairs. I hear sniffing. " Daniel" I say quietly. He looks up and his eyes are red and puffy. I run over. " baby why are you crying" I lift his head and holds his cheeks. " you don't love me anymore" I shake my head. " no Daniel I do, I'm sorry I was hesitant. There is something though" he looks at me. " I'm - im bisexual Daniel I didn't want to tell you incase you didn't want to be with me anymore" he looks at me and smiles.

" Paige I don't care if your bisexual or anything okay I love you either way. I'll never not love you, you can't help the way you feel about someone. You can chose who you have feelings for. But I'm so happy to told Me" I smile and kiss him. He pulls me up and pulls me onto the couch me  and lays me down. " stay her" he peck my lips and runs upstairs. I sit up confused. He runs back downstairs and stands in front of me. All of a sudden he gets down on one knee.

" Paige I've loved you since the first day I met you, you are the most stunning, most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I love you Paige and I wanna spend for rest of my life with you. Marry me" I giggle and scream. " yes!" He laughs and puts the ring on my fingers.

Me and Daniel got married the next summer. It was the best day of my life it was a beach wedding in Hawaii. The night  was filled with laughs and just an amazing night with all my friends and family.

A few months later I then find out I'm pregnant which we give birth to April. Our  little girl Olivia. Daniels been the best person I could ever ask for. He's never left my sight or hurt me. That man is really my everything

Hope you liked this Paige. X

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