Time to say goodbye

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" I've got 6 months to live and that was 5 months ago" I say to Keri and Jeff. I feel the person beside me stand up and walk away. I knew it was Daniel. " I'm so sorry honey, do you know what's caused it" Jeff said. I turn my head to see if I could see Daniel anywhere but he was gone. " brain tumour" I said tearing up. " I'm gonna go find Daniel" they both nod and I can see Keri trying to hide the fact she is crying. I push my chair out and head the way Daniel walked.

I check his bedroom no sign of him. I checked the bathroom same nothing . I make my way to his studio and saw him sitting at the computer crying, and not just crying sobbing. " baby" I said covering my mouth so silent sobs didn't escape the sight of him broke my heart. " how how have you got a month to live. We haven't even started a family I'm not gonna get to marry you." I let more tears fall. " it's all my fault if I took you to the hospital months and months ago you would be fine it's me who's done this to you" he cried.

" not it's not Danny, this happens and unfortunately I was one of the people to get it. This next month we'll spend it as if it's our last" I said. " Y/N it is your last your gonna be dead soon" he scream. He grabbed his guitar and smashed it on the ground in angry. I scream and step back. Watching him do this made me cry. " Daniel stop! DANIEL" I screamed. He dropped the guitar and dropped his body as well. He feel to the ground and started sobbing, I ran over and hug him. " please don't leave me I need you I want you"

I close my eyes and just hug him we hear the door open and his parents walk in to see the mess. " omg y/n why don't you take him upstairs" I nod and I help him up and take him Upstairs. I put him on our bed. I take his clothes off except his boxers. I put him in his bed I lay next to him. " baby let's go away somewhere, I wanna go on one last holiday" I heard silent sobs beside me. " where do you wanna go" he says. I smile and look down at him. " Italy I use to go with family" he smiles and nods " sounds good, we can all go. Like all the why don't we boys and the girlfriend little lavender." I cough and struggling to breathe.

Daniel jumps up and helps me. This happens a lot  but he's always there to help me. I lay back down and sigh. Daniel cuddles into me and before I know I feel my eyes shutting.
A few days later, I'm in Italy. I look around the airport and everyone is following behind me. We step out into Verona and we look for our taxis. Me Daniel Jonah ( Ik they haven't announced anything but I like her so I'm gonna use her) and his girlfriend tessa. As well as jack and his friend lera. Went in one car. And the others in another.

We are in the car for about an hour and a half and soon reach my favourite place lake Garda. We reach the villa and walk inside. The next few hours are spent unpacking and just relaxing. I open my eyes and look up to the sky taking in the heat. " you look beautiful" I heard someone say. I lift my head and see Daniel. I giggle. The next few days were full of fun activities from going to the beach to going to a theme park to a water park. Today we are going for a walk up a hill to see a famous monument. I step outside of the villa where everyone is, but a wave on nausea i take another step forward and I feel myself falling to the floor my eyes shut and all I hear is my name being called.

I feel myself waking you slowly to see a bright light on my eyes. I open my eyes and look around I see Daniel and Keri sitting on a chair. " Daniel" I said. He runs over. " baby your awake" I nod. " what happened to me." Daniel breathe in and out slowly. " y/n.... your dying. To be honest I'm surprised you have woke up they told me your gonna leave me soon please don't... I need you" I tear up and nod. " I- I love- you Daniel" I stare at him and he closes his eyes crying. I can feel it happening. It's my time to leav. It's my time to go above and be with my family. " d- Danny" I say. He looks at me. " I love you soo much" I say. He smiles and he kisses my head and then my lips. He pulls away. " I love you y/n" I look at Keri and smile. I close my eyes. Goodbye world.

Daniel POV

I see her look at mom and next thing I know the machine is beeping she's gone. The love of my life is gone. " no!  Noo come back please" I scream. The doctors come rushing in. She's gone my best friend my lover she's gone she's officially left me. My world is gone. Good bye my lover

Word count 920

Daniel Seavey//imagines Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz