Law school- requested

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This imagine is @alexandra_rebecca
Hope you enjoy x

" come on dani you need to tell your parents about us" I said looking at him. " Alexandra we both know my parents won't support us. Your at law school they want me to date someone famous" I sigh and close my eyes. " but Daniel we can't keep hiding our relationship I'm sorry"

He stays quiet and keeps his head down. " Daniel sweetie we are home" his parents shout. I grab my stuff and stand up. " Alexandra please" I sigh. " I have work to catch up on. I'll text you later" I walk downstairs and see his parents they both give me a dirty look. " goodbye mr and mrs seavey" there was silence for a moment. " stay away from our son Alexandra. Your not good enough for him." I sigh and leave the house.

When I get back to mine I grab my folders and do my work. I grab my phone and it's a picture of me and Daniel at the beach. " why doesn't he just grow up he's old enough to have a girlfriend is he ashamed of me" I say out loud to myself. " sweetie" my dad says knocking at my door. " Daniels downstairs for you" I sigh and walk downstairs and see him standing there. " Alexandra please can we talk" I shake my head. " I'm sorry but I can't be with you Daniel" his face drops

" please go." I say turning my face away from him. " no tell me why I'm sorry" he tears up. I turn to face him. " one your parents hate me two you can't even say you love Me" he stays quiet. " unbelievable. Stay away from me Daniel" he nods and leaves. I run upstairs crying. Why doesn't he love me. I gave him my virginity my love but I get nothing. I shake my head and calm down. " if he can't love me he doesn't deserve my sadness" I grab my work and sit at my desk, getting on with my law work.

A few days later

I haven't heard from Daniel for a few days now. Not anything. He's not viewed my Snapchat story nor liked my Instagram. I feel my phone vibrate and it's mrs seavey. I pick up " hi Alexandra it's mrs seavey here. Uh I was wondering if you could come over" I agree and head over as soon as. I sit on the couch and the two parents sit in front of me. " we owe you an apology" I raise my eyebrows. " we can tell how much our Daniel loves you. He's not left his room in days. He's not eating or going to studio. Please go sort things out with him and this time we'll support" I nod and make my way up to Daniels room.

I gently knock on the door . " fuck off mom" I hear. I gently opens the door. "
It's not  mom it's me" he looks at me his eyes were red and he looks awful and his room stinks you would tell he hasn't looked after himself. I walk over and hug him. " I'm sorry Alexandra I love you I do I'm sorry I never said it i was scared of losing  you and I have lost you" I shake my head. " no you haven't I'm still your girlfriend   Daniel"  he smiles and hugs me. The rest of the night is spent downstairs getting to know his parents. By the end of the night both parents end up saying. " we love her son"

Hope you liked this Alexandra sorry if this wasn't what you had imagined I was struggling a little but I liked this idea x

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