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( unedited cause it's 02:17am)

I toss back and forth in pain and roasting. I start sweeting and I wipe my forehead. Groaning in pain. " baby what's wrong" Daniel said moving about trying to sit up. " I'm really hot and in a lot of pain." He looks at me in the eyes. " baby you got any other symptoms" he asked. " symptoms for what" I say concerned. " covid" I sigh and roll my eyes. " I don't want covid when you had it, it look awful" he hugs me and kisses my cheek. " don't worry beautiful" I nod and cuddle into him. I soon fall back asleep in the arms of my loved one.

I wake up later in the morning and Daniels missing. " Dan'" I shout. No reply. I move the covers off me and walk to the bedroom door and hear him talking to someone. " hey guys I think y/n has covid soo well all have to self isolate again sorry." I could hear jack talking next. " don't be sorry mate she can't help it, it's happening to everyone right now." I can hear Daniels footprints getting closer and closer and I jump back into bed and cover my body and he walks in. " hey beautiful" I smile. " we have an covid testing at 12" I sigh and go clean myself up by brushing my hair, cleaning my teeth and changing my clothes.

I go downstairs and see all the boys. " good luck y/n" Zach says. I nod and grab my phone and wallet. " Dan's in the car " Jonah says. I run to the car and get in beside him. On the way to the testing  area ( idk what it's called never been tested 🤣)Daniel hold my hand. " hey it's gonna be okay you might not even have it" I nod and think of the positive. We arrive and I see a bunch of people wearing masks shoving things up people's noses. I grasp Daniels hand tighter scared. " hey hey it's okay you'll be fine." We're up nexts " window down please" I roll my window down and the lovely gentleman says." This will only be in yours 10 seconds each side okay I promise it'll be over before you know it" I nod and he puts the first side up I told Dan's hand tighter if that's possible it felt awful when he pulled it out. I sneeze. " that felt weird"

The guy chuckles and does the other side. For some reason this one felt worse. He pulled it out and put it in a bag. I shiver at the feel of it. " and finally this down your throat this one isn't as long though" he puts it in( oh that sounds less dirty in my head) when he pulls it out I gag. " that's horrible" he laughs and walks away to get it checked. I roll my window up and we park to the side after a few minutes the guy comes out and I roll the window down again

" good news you don't have covid" I cheer. " thank you very much " I says he smiles and we drive off back home. " bet your happier now" I nod and finally feel relaxed. I wasn't the only person who happy about my results the boys we'd happy as well so they can still preform.

Just a quick upload thought you guys deserved 2 uploads in one day. Love you all so much thank you for the support! ❤️

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