" this is for you" requested- sad

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This imagine is for @alexandra_rebecca
I'm back guys. I took a wee break from Wattpad for Christmas but I'm back now. Hope you al had an amazing Christmas or holiday if you don't celebrate.

" I have a Surpise for you" I say to Daniel. I can hear  him driving and a laugh. " ooh and what's  that baby girl" he says. I can hear the concentration as he drives home. " it's nothing sexual so get that out of your head and I can't tell you or the Surpise would be ruined" the line was quiet for a moment. " Daniel you okay" I say again. " yeah the driver in front of me is being a dick" he says. " just stay far Behind h-" I'm stopped by Daniel. When all I hear is a loud crashing noise and a scream of Daniel and the line went dead

" baby!" I scream down the phone. " Daniel" I scream again. No response. I hang up and run to my car and drive along the road hoping to find him. I see a bunch of cars stopped and few ambulance. " noo noo noo" I cry. I abandon my car and run over. " I'm sorry love but you can come any closer" the police officer said. " I'm one of there girlfriends Daniel seavey" the officer nods and let's me in. I run over to his body. I look at the paramedics. " I'm sorry but he's gone" I can't help but scream.  Nothing else comes out my mouth just a scream. He officers come over and hug me. " we're so so sorry for your loss" I hug Daniel. " I was gonna tell you I'm
Going on the voice tomorrow Daniel. I was gonna do it for you and I still am."

Everyone was silent around me. " you always wanted me to show what I can do with my voice and I finally am. I wanna do you proud." I hear a few sniff around me. " you can do it now" I said the paramedics take Daniel away from me. I'm never gonna see his ocean eyes his gorgeous face his blonde hair ever again. I sit on the floor where his body use to be and cry. A few minutes later a feel a hand on my shoulder I look up and it's Keri. " come on honey let's get you home." I nod and she helps me to my car and she gives me back to mine and Daniels shared house. I look at Kobe and sigh giving him a kiss.

" Keri" I say looking at my mother in law. She turned around and looks at me. Her eyes were red and wet. " can you help me tomorrow" she looks confused. " I'm gonna on the competition the voice tomorrow and  I want  you to come with me" he smiles and nods. The rest of the night is filled with me singing and crying. At night it felt weird no Daniel beside me just kobe. I was worried about tomorrow what if they don't like me what if I fail Daniel.

The next day comes pretty quickly. I wear a cute top with a skirt.  I kiss kobe goodbye and look at a picture of me and Daniel and sigh. " this is for you" I said. I walk downstairs and Keri and Anna is waiting for me. " ready" I nod. The journey there was pretty quick I was getting more nervous the closer we got. We arrive and the line is huge. We get out and I hold Daniels rings. I sign in and receive my number. We wait in the waiting room until my number was called. " 6539 please make your way to the stage" Keri kisses my head for a good luck  and I make my way to the stage.

I stand on it and the 4 judges were facing the other way. I breathe in and tear up a little, I pull the microphone to my mouth and start singing. " it's been a long day without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again." I start. The crowd Cheer and I hear a judge cheer. After about 20 seconds of singing two judges turn around I smile and sing the best I can. Near the end of the song I let out a long note and all the other judges turn around. They all stand up and clap and I can't help but cry. " hi there what's your name" one asks

" I'm Alexandra seavey" I few people scream. " and what's your dream of being here" I smile. " I lost my husband yesterday and it was his dream for me to become someone with my voice" they al cheer and clap. I pick the judge I want to coach me and I make my way to Keri. They both  cheer and hug me. I'm gonna win this for  Daniel my lover my baby.

Hope you liked this Alexandra x

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