Pregnant- requested

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Requested by @NannaHolten

We sat in the studio as the boys are signing the album covers. I turn to look at Jeff Daniels dad. " there are soo many album covers" I said watching everyone sign them. Jeff chuckles. " oh god yes they could be doing this for weeks" I raise my eyebrows and make the wtf kinda face. " jeez that's a long time." I move more into the couch to cuddle up When I got a feeling of sickness. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe. " Are you feeling okay baby" Daniel Asks. I smile and nod. " I'm good thanks just feel a little sick".

He nods and Zachs squeals" you better not have COVID" he runs and grabs his face mask and puts it on. I roll my eyes. " I don't have covid Zach all I do is sit in the house all day there's no way I have it" he gives me a stern look and then takes it off. " if I get it I'll blame you" I lift my hands up and nod. I go back on my phone and feel sick again. I could feel it sitting at the bottom of my throat. I throw my phone on the couch and run to the bathroom. As I make it I feel the sick come up. I cough everything up and sit there. " baby open up"Daniel said banging on the door.

" no please I'm fine I'll be 2 Mins" I hear him sigh in frustration and walks away. I grab my phone and text Ashley, Corbyn's sister.

K: we have an issue...
A: hey girl what's up you okay?
K: no I've just been sick and I'm never sick
A: is your period late?
K: no I don't think soo

I look at the date on my phone and my heart skips a beat. " no no" I say. I'm late and by quite a bit. Been about a month.

K: okay yes maybe I am ....
A: omg omg girl you need to take a test you have too
K: but what if it's positive
A: your gonna be a mommy!!
K: I'm going and think things through
A: good luck babe

I put my phone in my back pocket and open the door and wash my face over at the sink. I walk back to where everyone was and sit down. " you feeling better y/l/n" Jonah said. I nod and look for the closest store. " uh guys I'm going to go to the shop so I can get some snacks." I said standing up. " yeah that's fine beautiful" Dan says. I walk to the store and walk to the pregnancy area.

I grab a packet and walk to the till, I pay for the test and walk to the studio. I hide the bag. " guys I'll be in the bathroom, I need to you know pee aha" they all laugh and I go in and take the test. I FaceTime Ashley. " did you get one" she said. I nod and I could feel a heart beat in my throat. " what if it's positive how do I tell Daniel" she smiles. " you'll figure out a way, and he's gonna be happy. Trust me" I nod and look at the time. " it's time I'm too scared to look  though" she smiles. " go on tell me if I'm gonna be an auntie"

I flip the test and look at it... 2 lines. I slowly gasps. I can hear her scream. " omg you are aren't you." I turn to look at look at the  phone and nod. " y/n are you okay you have been a while" Daniel said. " I'll go I'll talk later" I nod and Ashley ends the call. I flush the toilet and open the door and burst into tears. " baby baby Heyy calm down." All the boys walk in worriedly " I'm so sorry Dan this wasn't meant to happen" he looks at me. " what's wrong baby girl" " Danny I'm pregnant" he pulls away and all the boys stay quiet and stare at him. " Daniel say something" I say again. That's when a huge smirk appears on his face. " I'm gonna be a DADDY! " he screams and picks me up all the boys cheer  and join in the hug. I can't wait to meet our new addition to the why don't we family..

Hey guys sorry I've not uploaded as much, I'll post as much as I can leave some ideas down below ❤️

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