Make up- requested- cute

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This imagine is for @alexandra_rebecca
I hope you enjoy this

I sit on the couch as I chill with my husband Daniel. " Honey where's Connor" I said to him. " sweetie chill out he's 17 he can make his own choices" i nod and look at the time. A few more hours pass and he's still not here. Finally the  front door opens and I shoot up. My son walks in and smiling. " hi mom hi dad" he smiles. " where have you been" I ask. He stays quiet. " Connor Robert seavey where have you been" he sighs. " can we talk" he asks. I point to the chair where he can sit and me and Daniel Sit down.

" soo Uh this has been in my mind for a few months  now and I'm ready to tell you" I look at Daniel and then back at Connor. " I'm gay" I smile and look at him. " sweetie just cause your gay doesn't make you any different or you think we love you any less, no we don't I love you just the same what  made you decide you were gay" I said holding his hand. " I have a boyfriend named tony, he he's been teaching me to do my make up" I smile. " you like makeup" he nods. " I watch people like James Charles and Jeffrey star on YouTube".

He looks at his dad. " dad can you buy me some make up please I know it's a lot to ask but I wanna learn how to do it" he smiles. " of course son I'll go tomorrow after studio" Connor hugs Daniel and me and runs upstairs. I look and Daniel and kiss him. " I feel so happy he's able to tell us " Daniel says. I nod. We make our way upstairs and peer into connors room. He's dancing to music wearing one of my dresses. I smile close the door. I make my way to bed abs go to sleep next to Daniel.

When I wake up Daniels gone and I don't hear Connor. I make my way downstairs and I see Connor mowing breakfast he turns around and his face was covered in make up but it was amazing. " oh my Connor you look amazing" I said walking over. He smiles. " yeah dad surprised me with them this  morning" I smile. " he's a good man come on let's have a movie day." He agrees and we sit down. Me and my amazing son.

Hope you liked this Alexandra I hope this was the idea you had x

Daniel Seavey//imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang