Wedding Series- The engagement party

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using old girlfriends 

It's been a week since Daniel asked me to marry me, I don't regret it one bit. We are currently lying in bed texting all our friends are family telling them we are having drinks at ours to celebrate our engagement. Everyone agrees of course.  The rest of the girls are buzzing to be my bridesmaid.

Tonight we will announce who the bridesmaids and best men  are. I have a very in particular human who i want to be my Maid of honour. " we should go to the shop and get some things sorted of the party" i say to dan. He nods and agrees and i head over to the table grabbing my purse, car keys and house keys. I put my coat on and walk to the door, Dan walks past and kisses my head and walks out, 

I walk out while shutting the door and making sure to lock it behind me. I walk to the car and getting into the passenger seat and plugging in my seatbelt. Dan sets off and heads to walmart. When we get there we head straight to the party isle. ( idk if walmart does this i'm not american but my local supermarket does so apologies if it doesn't).

When we get there we get banners that say engagement, and then party stuff all with wedding/ engagement stuff on it. We then head on over to the alcohol section, and buy as much as we can carry as we are stupid and forgot to get a trolley, only a basket. 

We walk over to the tills when we see a fan, she runs over and goes to hug dan. Daniel puts the beer boxes and the rest of the stuff down and hugs her. She looks at me and hugs me too. She hands over a bag like a gift bag. " Happy engagement you too are a beautiful couple and i can't wait for y/n to be a seavey." she said hugging dan again. 

Dan takes a picture with her and we both say we are very grateful for the gifts. She says her goodbyes and walks on. I look at daniel and giggle. We pay for our stuff and head back to the car and travel home. 

Once we arrive back home and set the house up,we go get ready, I put on a small white dress and dan puts on his shirt tie and nice bottoms. I smile and walk over to him and help tie his tie. " i can't believe i'm gonna be y/n seavey soon, i love you with my whole heart." he smiles and leans  down and kisses my lips. We share the kiss for a good minute until we hear the door bell ring. 

I pull away, " you ready." he smiles. " i've been waiting for this moment since the day i met you" he says. We walk downstairs and greet everyone, we all sit around and talk for awhile, until daniel stands up. " hi guys i wanna make a speech well not a speech more like an announcement i think" he says scratching the back of his head confused. We all laugh.

"haven't you said enough announcements this week" Jack shouts. Everyone laughs at his comment. I stand up and hold his hand. " Tate can you stand up for me please." Tate stands up and smiles. I hand her a box. She opens it and inside is a bunch of gifts that say maid of honour. She takes out the picture and its collage of me and her and it says. To my bestie please do me the honours and be my maid of honour. 

She looks at  me and tears up. " i would love too." she says. She comes over and hugs me she walks back and sits next to Jonah." next Kay, Christina, Gabbie and Y/b/f/n please stand up" they all do so and get the same gift but instead it says bridesmaids. They all scream and hugs me. I sit down next to keri and daniel tell the  boys they are the best men. 

Once everyone leaves me and daniel lay outside staring at the stars. "This march i wanna marry you" he says. I sit up. " dan it's October, There's not enough time." I say worried. He hugs me. " there will be enough time don't worry my Princess." I look up and kiss him. 

The end of this part 

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