Final goodbye- warning depression

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Daniel's POV

Just looking at her made me hate myself. It was my job to look after her it was my responsibility  to make sure she was safe but I couldn't even do that. Her lifeless body just laid there her body breathing but she wasn't doing it the machine was. I lay my head on her chest and re think about how life just changed. 


" do you ever just think life is pointless"  she asks me. I chuckle. " what you on about baby life isn't pointless when we have each other." I say smiling towards her. She smiles gently and goes and feeds the dogs. I think about what she said and blow it over my shoulder. " Daniel I'm gonna go get changed I wont be long" she said walking off. I smile and watch something on tv. Its been a good 20 mins and she's still not back. I go to the bedroom and knock on the door. " baby can I come in please" I ask gently. No answer. " y/n" I said slowly opening the door. not seeing her. I look around the bedroom the bathroom. Not there. I look around the whole house and start panicking. I grab my phone and call her best friend. " hello" jess answers. " is y/n with you she's not here she's gone." I said tearing up looking around the garden. " calm down Daniel she cant of gone to far she'll be about somewhere I'm on my way around." I nod and sigh and hang up. I go to the bridge near our house and that's when I see her. I grab my phone and dial emergency contact. A police car and an ambulance will arrive soon. I run over to her. She had a rope around her neck and she was hanging there. she as pale and lifeless. I pull her off the edge and take the rope off her neck. I hug her and cry. My angel has gone my life is gone. I start chest compressions to try and start her heart again. " come on y/n fucking wake up" I screamed. 

The sirens got louder and louder. I feel a pair of hands pull me away from her and look at me. It was Jonah. " come on mate let the professions do it, they'll save her" I cry into his chest. " why did she do it mate I thought she loved me and we were happy. The dogs the wedding, our future children." she's gone and I've lost her." I say crying. Jonah just stays quiet and rocks me back n fourth. After a short time I call her family and explain the situation and they fly out and meet us at the hospital the doctors tell me that she's on a lot of machines but she will live.

end of flashback 

Brain dead that's what she is. she's brain dead. So basically her brain is gone but her body isn't. My baby was gone. Today is my final goodbye before they turn her life support off. I walk into the room and hug her straight away. " I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, you mean everything to me y/n I remember when I first meet you. It was at one of our concerts you took your little sister to meet us and during the meet n greet I knew I feel for u. I've never lost love for you. Its never stopped, you mean the world to me you mean everything in my life. Idk if I could go on without you. Goodbye my love i'll see u on the other end soon." I kiss her head and walk out never to see y/n again.

third person

And Daniel was right he did see her soon, that night Daniel went home and done the same as y/n to be with her. He slipped of the bridge and hung there. Some say he did it over grief of losing his one true love others say he done it to be with her again. There love will always be a strong bond. Daniel and y/n was buried together the next week. Family and friends put flowers and all on the bridge to the love for the couple. 

The end sorry this wasn't the best. But I hope you all enjoyed. Got another coming soon. will either be uploaded tonight or tomorrow  

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