your pregnant and he leaves

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I pace back and forth worrying about the test which is sitting in front of you. What if Daniel doesn't want a baby what if he's happy being childless. I look at the test and my heart stops. " fuck" I say. The test shows 2 lines... pregnant. I walk to the living room and see Dan with a suitcase.

" Daniel?" I ask raising my eyebrow. He turns around and looks at me with sad eyes. "y/n I'm  sorry I was gonna tell you, but I didn't know how too." I look at him confused. " what you on about Dan." he looks at me and moves closer to me and puts a strand of hair behind ear. " I need to leave you y/n" I tear up. " what you mean you need to leave me, you don't need to do anything." he nods and sighs. " management doesn't want us being in relationships" I let more tears fall. 

" no please you can't leave me I need you I'm" he kisses my lips and grabs his stuff. " don't make this harder for me than it already is" he opens the door to our shared flat and I slowly watch is body leave my sight. I walk to the door and shut it behind him. I drop to the floor and  hug the test. " I'm so sorry baby mummy will love you till the end I promise." 

Its been 7 months with nothing from Dan not a text call or email. He hasn't even liked any of my instagram posts. Today I'm 8 months pregnant. I've never been more in love than what I am with this little bundle of joy. Today is gonna be a hard day, the manager of Why don't we has asked me to come take pictures of the boys as I have a degree in photography. I put on a pair of leggings and a cute knitted jumper and make my way to the location.

On the way I head to Starbucks and get myself a cup of tea as its getting colder and colder. I walk into the hall where I am taking pics of the boys, and that's when I felt a sharp pain. It wasn't like any old pain. It was labour pain. " Y/N" I heard. I look over and see Daniel looking at my stomach. I shake my head. " not the time Daniel, I think the baby is coming." I drop to the floor and Corbyn catches my head so I don't hit it. 

" shhh baby your going to be okay, I'm here and I ain't leaving you nor my baby. I love you both so much." Daniel said. I smile and lean up kissing his lips. I then feel another sharp pain in my stomach.  " I think this baby is coming now" I cry. The on call doctor runs in and gets me into a suitable position. " okay sweetie I'm just gonna see how far along you are." she puts two fingers in my entrance. 

" Okay don't panic but I'm gonna say your about 9cm. This baby is coming now" I look at all the boys. " wait so I'm gonna give birth with everyone in the room." i said to the doctor she nods. I nod and feel another contraction. I scream in pain and grab Dan and Zach's hand. " just get this baby out of me." I scream. 

The doctor checks again and this time I'm 10 cm. " y/n its time." I sit up and push, I push as hard as I can. " COME ON" I heard from all the boys. I push and push for what felt like forever, until I finally hear the little scream I've been waiting for, for months. " OMG she's here, Our baby is here." I said to Dan grabbing her. I give her the best cuddles I can. " do you have a name for her" the doctor said. I look at Dan. " I planned this when I found she was a little girl but named her Oliva rose.. Oliva rose Seavey." he looks at me and kisses me. " Our happy little family."

So sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. I have started college and just trying to do well. Hope you can all understand don't worry I'm going to upload still just will be slow that's all i've got a weeks holiday now so here comes lots of uploads

Daniel Seavey//imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora