Running into Hazel's room I fetched her bag and ran back downstairs not listening to Melanie that was asking questions slowing me down nor my heart that was beating five times per second.

" Stop asking questions and go grab a cup of water fast! " I insisted running out to the porch where I left Blake and Hazel.

" Hazel, wake up. " Blake brittle

" Alec, what's wrong with her?! I told you not to leave me with her. Is she okay? " Blake walked back and forth clutching on to his hair.

" is she going to be okay? " Melanie passed me the water questioning me with pure horror written all over her face.

" Yeah, it's fine. She'll be fine. " I smiled trying to calm both of them along with myself.

With the help of Blake and Melanie, I managed to slip the pill into her mouth and help her sip the water.
Knowing for a fact that panic attacks may cause numbness to hands or feet along with chills I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her.

" Melanie go stay beside Adam and try to calm yourself down. Blake will be here if I need anything. "

" Knowing that I caused her this, no way. " Melanie stopped standing at her feet.

" I'm taking her to her room. She wouldn't want to wake up between us nevertheless with Seth, Tyler and Amelia walking in on her. I'll stay with her until she gets better. You guys make sure Adam is enjoying his time. " I advised Melanie and a dazed-looking Blake that had his eyes focused on Hazel.

Melanie knew best not to oppose my instructions. Blake was still dazed out, but I don't blame him.

" What's behind all this? What's the cause of it? Why would anyone try to harm such a soul? I don't get it. " Blake pondered

" I don't know. " I whispered feelings rushing in reminding me of how I felt back then, useless.

————— Hazels P.O.V ——————

I felt something weighing on my chest making me sink deeper, further into the deep blue ocean.
Though it was just a metaphor it felt realistic.

My heartbeat was pumping out my chest making it harder for me to breathe. Sweat was trickling down my forehead my hands beginning to shiver waking me up to face reality.

" Hazel " Alec called right when I woke up probably interrupting his sleep.

" Did I pass out again? " I asked in defeat knowing that this isn't getting any better, I wasn't getting any better.

" yeah," Alec nodded looking worried.

" where's Adam??? " I panicked standing up but soon came to a halt.

" Don't worry about him. Melanie offered to take care of him today since you need some more rest. "

I was in my room, my bed to be specific. Alec, on the other hand, was seated on the floor with his hands clutching on to his hair and let me tell you he didn't look good. I affected him, I'm making him turn into a mess. Why though? Does he worry about me or is it pity?

Alec turned to me interrupting my thoughts.
" Why don't you take your pills? "

" I have my reasons. " I uttered looking out my window.

" Why are you doing this Hazel? What's so important that's affecting you this way? " Alec questioned

" You don't know, so stop making assumptions thinking that it's not important! " I spoke back raging at how he could say such a thing.

To New Beginnings.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें