Chapter Forty-seven

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Chapter Forty-seven


Luke's feelings woke him up in the middle of the night. He'd managed to get out of eating dinner but he was starving. His stomach was constantly growling to tell the blonde he needed food. But Luke did not want to eat, he did not want to gain weight.

Yet he was so hungry he found himself climbing out of bed, giving Ashton a quick kiss on the cheek before quietly sneaking downstairs to the kitchen. His black bed top tucked slightly into his shorts and his hair a mess.

He headed straight for the fridge, trying to find something to shut his hungry stomach up. He looked around the basically empty fridge and his eyes kept loitering over the pizza his mother cooked for him yesterday. He didn't want it though. But, now he really craved it.

Pulling it out of the fridge he placed it on the kitchen table and sat down, ready to eat some. He took one piece and slowly began to eat it. Closing his eyes at the taste of food which he missed so much. He couldn't let himself keep doing this though, keep binging in the middle of the night because he knew it was going to have an impact.

It was the reason he gained a lot of weight in the first place. Luke simply could not control what he ate. If there was something in front of him he would generally eat it. All of it. But, he found it fortunate he had anorexia. It helped him to control what he ate. Which was nothing?

Before he knew it, Luke had already consumed half of the cold pizza and he did not look like he was going to stop. He could fill his belly bloating and he knew his small stomach was already stuffed, but he liked the taste too much.

Hence why he ended up eating the entire pizza alongside drinking a fizzy beverage.


Ashton groaned in his sleep as he rolled round to place his arm around his boyfriend, but his arm instantly hit the mattress. He eyes shot opened and noticed Luke was no longer in his bed. He groaned once again before pushing himself up to look at the time.

The clock read a quarter past three and Ashton knew Luke never left his bed unless necessary. Frowning and wiping his eyes he stood up, just in his boxers, and headed out of the ajar bedroom door. He instantly grew worried thinking Luke could have done something to himself.

Going to check the bathroom incase he had threw up as that was his first suspicion, the curly haired boy found it was empty and the light was off. He suspected the blonde boy had not been in there.

Gulping, Ashton then headed down stairs and noticed a light on in the kitchen. Hurrying down the rest of the stairs, he scurried into the kitchen seeing Luke sat at the table with an empty plate in front of him and a little tomato sauce from the pizza around his lips.

"Luke?" the older boy asked wearily, unsure if Luke was awake or asleep because it was not like him to eat a whole pizza. Or eat at all currently.

The boy looked up startled and began to feel really insecure about what he had just done. He felt like a pig, even though it was just one pizza which most normal boys could eat fine. Luke just knew he would have eaten way more and that scared him.

"Did you eat a whole pizza?" he asked walking over to the boy and picking up the plate and putting it by the sink.

Luke sunk in his chair and nodded. "I was really hungry," he muttered sadly looking down at his little-swollen belly.

"That's why you should have eaten dinner," Ashton chuckled messing up the boys already messy hair.

"My stomach hurts," the blonde moaned and Ashton cooed at how cute he was being.

"Let's get you back to bed," Ashton smiled picking the boy up bridal style, not realising how light Luke actually was. He carried the boy up the stairs, both of them yawning. Entering Luke's room he placed the blonde of the bed and he curled up into a ball clutching his stuffed tummy.

The older boy climbed in next to him and wrapped his arms around the boy's small torso. He moved his hand gently against Luke's small tummy, feeling the bump the pizza had created.

Ashton soon became sleepy and began to fall into a light sleep, whilst Luke was wide awake at the feeling of someone touching the part of his body he hated the most.

Still being partially half asleep, Ashton forgot just how skinny his boyfriend was and patted his belly muttering. "You feel pregnant," he laughed whilst closing his eyes and quickly falling back into slumber.

"I'm not," Luke ensured him with a small smile on his face. It seemed the older boy had not noticed that Luke did not even have a slight belly anymore. His stomach was once again caved in.

"I know," Ashton muttered his words slurred from being in a sleepy state. "You're just fat."

The blonde gulped knowing it was not true and the curly haired boy did not mean it. He would usually frown at the nasty word but he just couldn't. Luke thought he had fooled Ashton.


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