Chapter Thirty-three

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Chapter Thirty-three


"You're looking awfully old," the woman observed as she took a glance at the man for the first time in a while through her laptop screen.

"That's what Luke does to people," Alex admitted knowing that he had an affect on other therapists too.

"Is he being trouble to you, because if he is then I can always have him home?" she asked concerned about his behaviour and especially his stubbornness.

"No, he hasn't been eating for the past couple of days-"

"Is he getting bad again?" Liz asked worried by hearing that her son was not eating. "Aren't you supposed to make sure he eats everything?"

"I am but there are times when he's in an absolute state about eating that you just simply can't make him. Likewise, you told me you don't want him to be force fed so I can't do that either. But, we keep on at him till he generally eats something. However, he is starting to eat more and more again because he really wants to recover."

"Okay, so he's lost weight again?" she asked a little sad knowing it would be even longer now till her youngest son could return home. It was almost as if now she was regretting sending him away even though it was the best for him.

"Yeah, unfortunately," the grey haired man smiled sadly feeling a little ashamed that he'd allowed this to happen. Even though most of it was due to him losing the excess which caused his swollen stomach. Luke had lost extra weight as well which he should not have.

"How much does he weigh currently, if you don't mind me asking?" she queried wanting to keep up to date with her son's health.

"One hundred and nine."

"He was ninety-six when I let him go, that's barely anything," she said sounding really disappointed. "I really hoped you could help him."

A little annoyed that she had no belief in him the man argued. "It takes time Liz. Luke came here in a critical state and he's going to be in that critical state until he reaches around one hundred and twenty-five pounds. I can't help that he came here extremely bad. But he doesn't see what we see and it's going to take time so you're going to have to be patient."

"I think you're too soft with him," the women assumed a little rudely.

"What are you suggesting?" he queried a little offended that she had no faith in her old friend.

"Maybe he gets another therapist. One he's not so close to," she suggested.

"He already sees Victoria every morning and me during the evening. I think that's more than enough," he argued back.

"I still think you're too soft on him. I know he's young and delicate and all that but he needs to be shown he can't have it all his own way."

"Maybe you should come and visit and get a sense of what everything is like here. Luke's been missing you too. He said he wanted to see you and that's why I called you," Alex suggested wanting to see the women himself.

"I don't know," Liz hesitated. "I feel that he doesn't deserve it because his weight is still so low."

"He has been trying so hard and I think maybe seeing his family and knowing what he is missing out on will make him determined to do well," Alex explained hoping she'd say yes.

After Luke said he wanted his mother earlier he bursts out into tears. It was like he was a three year old. The man promised the blonde he'd arrange for her to visit in the near future.

"I'll think about it," Liz mutters looking down a little ashamed.

"How are you coping?" Alex asked in a caring manner. The blonde women looked a little down compared to usual.

"What with?" she asked. There were many things she wasn't coping with.

"Everything in general."

"I miss Luke like crazy. He's my little Lukey. But I'm also disappointed and ashamed of how he's turned out-"

"Luke is one of the most caring and genuine boys I have met that are his age. He is an amazing boy and you should be proud. He can't help it he has a couple of disorders in his way. But if anything, when he recovers Luke is going to be a great young man."

Liz nodded. "He's a pretty boy. Always has been. He's just always struggled with his weight. I mean he always used to binge eat and now he's starving himself. I remember months ago when he was at a healthy weight for the first time in a long time. He looked like the perfect young boy. I was so proud to be his mother."

"Are you not anymore?" he asked curiously a little concerned if she did not feel this way about him.

"Of course I am. I guess I'm just not proud of myself," she admitted downheartedly.

"You've been nothing but a good mother to Luke. You've always been by his side, unlike his father. You have nothing to be not proud of."

"I'm embarrassed by him," she revealed her tone sounding hurt and as if she wanted to cry.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"I mean, he was practically obese and overweight most of his life. Do you know how embarrassing that is walking round with your young son who's under your own care whilst you get disgusted stares? It got to the point where I did not want to go out with him."

"You could have done something about it," Alex pointed out.

"I could of. But I couldn't let him have what he wanted. I hinted to him that he looked a little thick and his clothes were too tight and stuff but he never caught on. Luke likes to binge eat. Non-stop."

The man nodded knowingly. He understood what she meant. It was common, anorexia never hit the victim until they gained so much weight by eating so much until they noticed it or someone badly commented on it.

"How are you coping with the divorce?" he asked wanting to be there to support her with something which could be improved right now unlike her son.

"Alright. I'm trying to find a new man I suppose. I want someone to help me when Luke gets back. But of course, he has to care about him a lot."

The man bit his lip. He cared about the blonde so much and could be that man in her life. Luke could go home now if Alex went with him and they could work from there. "Liz-"

"Yeah," she said quizzically.

"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you," he muttered a little shyly.

"What's Luke done now?" she sighed and knowing it couldn't be good.

"It's uh not about Luke," the grey haired man admitted. "I wanted to tell you that I sort of, you know." Taking a deep breath he faced up to it. "I kind of-"


Cursing internally the man turned in his chair to face the red faced women standing in his office doorway.

"Have you seen Luke as of late?" she asked panting.

"No, why?"

The blonde women listening intently to the conversation which involved her son. "I can't seem to find him. He didn't turn up to our session which started an hour ago."


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