11. Let me in

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After the glaring episode, Brianna ignored me, for real I feared from my life. I know already that Brianna is not the type of woman that let things go, and she was giving me the cold shoulder right now. I mean, I was grateful that I got to live some more minutes but when she unleashes her feelings and anger because she will, oh gosh, you are all invited to my funeral.

I silently did some exercises on our private tutoring lessons after Jake left, I carefully managed to not look at her. I seriously feared that she would turn me into stone with one look, the Medusa nickname was awfully accurate. Now I was at P.E enjoying my last moments alive.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Mr. Playboy suddenly asked me, referring to Jake.

Yeah, I still didn't have to do anything in this class besides taking attendance and chit-chat with Mr. Playboy, I would enjoy the guy's company if he wasn't a creep and an idiot.

"Never" I said crossing my arms. Mr. Playboy smiled at that, ugh what a creep.

"Good, I like Jake and I would hate to be the cause of one of his breakups" Ugh, I can almost feel the barf coming up.

"I heard that you have a girlfriend, a wife actually. She is really pretty" I said suddenly. And it was true, once he sent me for some papers in his office and I saw the wedding photo, turns out he was also very catholic.

I don't know a lot about religion, but I'm pretty sure that G-d wouldn't approve him flirting with his students, which most of them happen to be minors. Besides, the creepy dude has a wife. I suddenly felt bad for the wife, it was true that in the picture that I saw she looked very attractive and kind.

The color drained from his face. "Oh, I...lo-...look, th...they need me there" he blurted out nervously. I hope that keeps him off me for long.


On Algebra's class, Brianna kept asking me over and over again the solution of the class exercises. I managed to answer some of her questions, but some others I just couldn't. I'm not sure if I like this Brianna that gives me her full attention and barely lets me breath, or the Brianna that ignores me completely but lets me exist in peace.

The class ended, I walked towards Brianna's desk and sat carefully far away from her, I needed an advantage if I wanted to survive or escape. She passed me some papers from which I had to do a summary and we began working.

Lucky me, I mean, I love being with her, but I enjoy it less when she is definitely angry and has three opportunities per day to kill me. Like I said, lucky me.

After a while she spoke "I think our deal has some voids in it, we should upgrade it" she said, still focusing on her work instead of me. 

"What kind of voids? I like our agreement as it is" I said biting my lip. What if she tells me that I don't get to ask her questions anymore? How can I get to know her then? I was hyperventilating, 'I'm so ClOsE To make hEr FaLl FoR mE', yeah right.

"I don't get to ask you anything, you get to ask me whatever you want almost every day and I don't know anything about you, that's not fair" she said stealing glances at me.

I stopped freaking out and suppressed a smile. She wanted to get to know me too! That's a huge step, I might be able to make this work after all. You know, I never doubted myself.

"No changes in the deal, it's my way to stay interesting and mysterious" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh shut up, I'm your teacher I get to ask you whatever I want anyways" she said annoyed, finally looking at me.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now