41. Unknown number

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Sofía's POV

"Who would have imagined that being smart could actually take you somewhere" Nikki said while she watched me finishing packing.

"Shocking" Val added.

"You're blonde, you can't joke about being dumb" I said eyeing Nikki who was now focused on my new curtains.

"Oh please, sometimes I just enjoy acting dumb because people ask less questions that way" Nikki said dismissively.

"So there's something you don't want us to know?" Val asked while she helped me carry my bags to the living room.

"Oh look, Sofía's beauty secrets revealed!" Nikki said abruptly locking herself in the bathroom.

"That is the guests bathroom!" I yelled. "What's wrong with her?" I whispered to Val.

"I don't know, she's been acting weird...but not this weird" Val said worriedly.

Not that I want to be a bad friend, but I have a flight to catch and if I don't go soon, I'll lose it. And oddly, I am excited for this trip, I mean London, Jennifer and Brianna all together? Someone would probably end up murdered but at least it won't be boring.

"Hey, you're ready to go?" Nikki said appearing out of nowhere.

"How did you do that? There's a secret passageway in my bathroom that I don't know of?" I said wide eyed.

"Maybe" Nikki said grabbing my luggage and taking it to her car.

Wow, she is really acting weird. The normal Nikki would have made me carry everything by myself.

"Hey Val" I whispered, and Val turned to look at me with a knowing look on her face. "I don't know what's wrong with Nikki, and I'm not going to be here if she decides to talk about it, so...if something happens just call me and maybe I can do something, or at least to let me know" I ended.

"Don't worry, I will. You enjoy your trip with both of your teacher crushes" Val said squealing excited and dragging me out of my house.

Nikki and Val both rushed me to the car and we got in motion, it was way to early to be functioning but like I said, I was oddly excited, so I wasn't in a bad mood. Maybe I was a little anxious, Brianna volunteering for this trip was something that I didn't expect her to do.

"Have fun, text us when you can and get together with Miss. Princess" Nikki said when we arrived at the airport.

"Who is Miss. Princess again? Oh wait, I got it" I said getting out of the car. I mean, Miss. Princess for sure wasn't Brianna, so it could only be Jennifer.

"Have fun. We'll miss you" Val said hugging me goodbye.

"Bring us a souvenir" Nikki said hugging me right after Val.

"I will, now go back to your houses before you pass out" I said giggling, they truly looked like zombies, they aren't morning persons at all.

They laughed and shook their heads tiredly, I stayed there watching them leave, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around to see who was behind me.

"Good morning" Jennifer said showing me her perfect white teeth.

"Wow, it can't be a good morning at 10 o'clock, I should be sleeping" I said joking, Jennifer just rolled her eyes.

"Let's get coffee to make it better then" she said nudging my shoulder.

I was about to reply and say something like 'only if you pay' but we both know I'll be the one paying, when I felt another tap on my shoulder.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now