51. Metaphors

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The drive to this mysterious restaurant was quiet, mostly because I stared at Brianna all the way. We crossed an all too familiar path, she was taking me somewhere outside town, which was no surprise given that our relationship had to be kept in secret.

However, I thought that she might have made the wrong turn when she suddenly entered to the parking lot of the now deserted mall because of the hour. But then she parked the cat in front of the biggest arcade in town, which happened to be inside this mall.

"Wha- What are you doing?" I asked, squinting my eyes at her.

She flashed me her most charming smile and got out the car, I stayed there with my mouth wide open until she rounded the car and opened the door for me, offering me her hand.

"Someone could see us, especially with these dresses" I pointed out, but I still took her hand and got out of the car alongside her.

Brianna smirked confidently, and as soon as I gave her my hand, she started guiding me towards the arcade entrance.

"Have you been there before?" Brianna asked, pointing towards the arcade with her head.

"No, I haven't" I replied, still very much not understanding what was happening. "I wanted to, but it was always full and far from where I live, and I don't have a car" I added.

"I thought the greatest Sofia von Emple - Castillo could get anywhere she wanted" Brianna teased.

I snorted, funny enough, I couldn't get into this new arcade before, but I did get a whole trip to Italy for Brianna and I.

Brianna opened the door for me, and I don't know how I managed to almost fall when I wasn't even walking, but I did. Luckily, Brianna steadied me with her body, bringing me closer to her. I swear to G-d I didn't mean to, but Brianna always manages to make a clown out of me.

She smirked, loving the fact that falling in love with clowns like me had advantages. I blushed uncontrollably and got into the arcade with my head down, trying to get myself together.

I expected the arcade to look like a futuristic venue with tons of games and neon colors, and yeah it was, but that wasn't what made my mouth hug wide open.

Someone, managed to decorate it to imitate forest from a story book. It was decorated with flowers all around, and in the middle, there was a fancy table set for two.

"Wow...you did this?" I asked amazed.

"She had help" Brianna's brother, Sam, said appearing out of nowhere and walking our way. "You look lovely Sofía, stunning as always" he added when he reached us.

"Couldn't you let me have all the credit?" Brianna asked hugging his brother. "She is my girlfriend after all" she added sarcastically.

"Yes, but she never told me if she has a cousin she could introduce me to. So just in case she does, I wanna make a good impression" Sam said grinning.

"Just get out" Brianna replied annoyed, yet she was smiling.

I laughed at their interactions; they really love each other but somehow Brianna always acts as if her brother is the most annoying person in the world. Oh wait, she used to act like I was the most annoying person in the world...I guess that's her love language then?

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving" Sam said rolling his eyes and looking awfully like a male version of Brianna. "But you do have a cousin?" he rapidly asks me, flashing me a grin.

"I don't...but I have a best friend" I said playfully, and Sam grin widened.

"Get. Out." Brianna demanded; she kept her face stern but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now