8. Our safe place

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After running like little children, Brianna and I arrived at my special place. When we stopped, we crashed into each other, she rested with my arms around her...and surprisingly she didn't move. She laughed and leaned on me for stability.

"You are crazy, and you run like a person who actually does something on P.E" she said with a huge smile on her face.

"I know, Mr. Playboy would be proud" I told her smiling as well.

Turns out, she didn't know who 'Mr. Playboy' was, but she did find it hilarious when I told her. She was still in my arms, we were both laughing our asses off, I could feel the heat emanating from her body.

"Why did you bring me here?" She said when she finally could contain her laughter. She looked beautiful, and she seemed comfortable, at ease. I would dare to say that any walls and ice queen facade that she normally wears around everyone, where pretty much gone.

"I wanted to show you something, this is kind of my special place" I said holding her hand to guide her, her hand fitted so well in mine. I know she could feel it too, the tingling sensation never got away. I felt like I was holding hands with the sun, and at this point I don't mind if I get burned.

I moved to the corner of the mall, to a little door that appears to be hidden. I opened the door and motioned for her to go in, she looked at me suspiciously, but she got in ether way. There was an elevator there, we got in and I push the button labeled as 'G'.

"Close your eyes" I told her.

She narrowed her eyes. "Come on, trust me" I said losing myself into her eyes, I swear I could drown in them.

She gave me a huge smile and didn't hesitate in closing her eyes. The elevator doors opened, and I took her hand in mind so I could guide her, she was leaning on me for support. By having her this close I realized that nobody has made me feel such a rush from touches as simples as these ones.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now" I said and she did, and she looked beautiful as the sun hit her face. She was speechless, and I get it, the view was beautiful.

"A few years ago when this mall was built, it was supposed to have a botanic garden here but at the last minute investors chickened out and it was canceled. However, some remodelations were already made so that's why everything is so green" I said admiring her, she looked like a child when receiving a present.

"And you can see the whole city from this rooftop" I moved to my hiding spot "I keep things here so I don't have to bring them all over again; a blanket, a flashlight, even sodas and well...beer, so if you ever want to come here to think or to do whatever you want, you can use this" I ended.

She was finally looking at me now, her eyes were shining...I was pretty sure they were dark green now. Wait, kinda grey maybe.

"Why do you bring me here?" she asked, her full attention was on me now.

I sighed before answering and then said "Look I don't know exactly what is happening between your ex and you, but it seemed intense and you looked troubled by it. I wanna help, but I kinda got a feeling that you wouldn't let me. So, this is the place I come when I feel like everything is crumbling, it's my safe space" I gave her a smile. "I want this to be your safe space too, you can come here to escape, to think, to feel. This is me tying to help." I added.

I spoke from the heart, I wanted her to be happy and I wasn't getting that earlier.

"Thank you, Sofía" she said smiling, then she turned around and closed her eyes while she felt the breeze hit her face.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now