52. Off to adventure

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"I'm sorry, I know you're probably sore" I said as I gave Brianna one of bottles of water that I just bought. "I saw you walking weird early, I know...me and my amazing skills as your top" I added playfully.

She looked at me up and down, not in a lustful or cute way tho...more like dismissing my entire existence? Yeah, like that.

"Every time you open your moth, a true top dies" Brianna said after aggressively snatching the bottle from my hands and taking a big gulp of water.

"What- I'm a true top" I said stuttering a little.

Brianna looked at me with fake sympathy before patting my thigh pitifully. "You sure are" she said sarcastically.

The truth is that I loved how Brianna made me feel, and as much as she always wanted to keep on the control-freak facade...she couldn't resist me either. She becomes a baby when she is around me.

I mean, it's forbidden to talk about it, so we never do, but most of the time... Brianna is the little spoon.

"I've top you a lot since that date in the arcade" I said in a playful whisper.

Brianna snapped her head at my way, again dismissing my whole existence with just one look. "Just because you were literary on top of me for five minutes it doesn't mean that you were the true top" she said with that Medusa look in her eyes. "Maybe we should test your theory tonight though and see who really can't walk after" she ended with a smirk.

Was I trying to annoy her? Yes. Was I trying to die or get paralyzed? Not a chance.

"I love you" I said in fear, and I quickly pecked her lips, but she backed away rapidly, not allowing me to deepen the kiss.

"I still think it was risky to come here at the airport with so much of your classmates traveling for the holidays" Brianna said after seeing me pout because of how she backed away from me.

"We are basically alone" I said trying to kiss her again and failing miserably.

"We'll have plenty of time for this once we get to Italy" Brianna reassured me, resting one of her hands on my thigh for comfort.

I pouted but I gave in, after all she was right and if you ask me, we couldn't get to Italy faster enough.

"So, you never told me how you told your friends about us?" Brianna asked tilting her head. "You said that you were going to tell them but only superficially? Only if the time was right of course" she added.

"Yeah, I basically told them that I was madly in love with you and that we've been seeing each other for a while now...but that we weren't really together until now" I said remembering the talk I had with Nikki and Val. "I explained that I couldn't tell them your name because that'd put our relationship in risk, and they took it better than what I thought" I ended, waiting for Brianna's reaction.

"I guess this might make it easier for us...at least they won't be asking that many questions about where you are or with who" she says shrugging her shoulders.

"Exactly, I really don't need them thinking I'm doing drugs" I said joking and Brianna chuckled.

"True" she agreed.

"But really, don't worry about that. Now I have someone with who I can freak out about you being so perfect, and they on the other side, they will respect my privacy and are ok with not knowing who you are" I said reassuringly.

"Really? Don't you think they might try to find something on their own?" Brianna asked, drawing imaginary patterns on my thigh.

"No, I was really serious about that...I think they accepted it so quicky and without questions because I kinda told them that you were the one aka my soulmate, and that I was going to marry you" I said speaking faster then what I normally do due my nervousness.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now