45. Why?

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"Kate?" I asked breathlessly.

The redhaired in front of me had her eyes glued to mine, none of us seamed to know how to start, or get out of this conversation for that matter.

"Hi" Kate finally managed to say.

I took my time to admire her face, I haven't seen her in three years. She didn't change much, she was still beautiful and there was a certain aura about her, a mysterious one, that dragged you towards her in need of wanting to get to know her more.

We were both looking at each other with curiosity, Kate was admiring me just as I was admiring her. A part of me wanted to lunge at her, hug her and tell her how much I missed her. I wanted to sit down and talk about everything she missed and ask what did I miss; but then I looked down to her wrist, where she was wearing our friendship bracelet...when I first gave it to her, it mean the world to me that she always wore it. However, then I found out that she also wore it when she cheated on me.

"Goodbye" I said harshly, moving past her and trying to get to the door.

"I wasn't stalking you; I came here to have dinner; I didn't know you'd be here" Kate rapidly explained. "As if...destiny wanted us to meet again" she added.

I turned around and dramatically rolled my eyes at her "Destiny? Really?" I rolled my eyes once more. "You could have said that the devil wanted to reunite us and that would have been more convincing" I added.

Kate looked surprised for a second, then her whole demeanor changed. "Your parents said you wanted to meet me, what about that?" she asked, her tone showing that she was starting to get a little worked up.

"As if, they have this sick idea that you are perfect and I'm an idiot for not talking to you. I didn't want to see you nor talk to you; you are delusional for believing that I'd want to" I said yelling a little.

The thing is, it was easy to yell at Kate. She could control her emotions better than what I could, and to be completely honest, I didn't want to hold back any anger I had.

"When are you going to let it go?" Kate asked shaking her head.

I stared at her shocked, I made sure that from now on my body language expressed every bit of sassy attitude I had.

"You mean, letting go the fact that my best friend who I though was my soulmate cheated on me?" I said sarcastically. "I don't know, but it sounds like a hell of a big deal" I added, empathizing my words.

"It's been years" Kate deadpanned.

"We've been like family since we were babies, that made is more painful" I said almost in a whisper.

Kate brought her eyes back to mine, and without breaking eye contact she took a step closer to me. "I miss you" she finally said.

The phone calls from my parents saying that Kate was depressed and in a bad place came flooding into my mind, in that exact same moment I could see the hidden sadness in Kate's eyes, I could see that she was in pain and that she was being honest, when saying that she missed me.

I suddenly became curious about what happened to her in the last three years, was she in pain too? Was she happy? Did she meet someone special as I did? Oh...


My curiosity became nervousness as soon as I remember that not far from here were Brianna and Jennifer, were they be able to resist the urge to punch Kate in the face? They know the whole story so I wouldn't be surprised if they did punch her...

But they can't, Kate is smart, and she won't believe the story my whole school full of morons believe, which is that I just happen to be very close friends with Jen, and that Brianna and I aren't friends but that she magically and inexplicably doesn't hate me. I mean, I'm cool but not that cool.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now