22. Fight for me

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The next day, I was being escorted through the High School halls by Nikki and Val. After yesterday disastrous events, they didn't leave my apartment, or at least not until I had proven to them that I was okay, which happened after a lot of whining from my part.

I received a few text messages from Jake and Percy asking me if I was okay and apologizing nonstop, of course I ignored their texts. On the other hand, Brianna text me afterwards too, asking where I was, it was really funny actually; first she was kinda worried, then impatient, and finally...super angry. So, I ignored her because what the fuck, first I don't have a death wish, it might seem like I do but I don't; and second, she just broke my heart like two days ago.

On the bright side, today I wasn't going to see neither Jake or Percy because they got suspended for the week, it was either that or getting suspended from Homecoming, which would be hella funny if you ask me.

"You know what would be funny?" Nikki said giggling.

"This is not going to be funny at all, I can feel it" I said shaking my head.

"No, no, wait up, it would be extremely funny if someone else asked you to go to homecoming and you would go with them instead of with the wannabe boxers" Nikki ended.

"I don't want to with anyone" I said like for the fifth time, why no one believed me?

I mean deep down I knew that I did want to go with someone, I wanted to go with Brianna but what the hell, I keep reminding myself that she wants me far away from her.

The bell ringed signaling that we had to part ways, so reluctantly each one of us went to their different classes.


I hate school. Yep, I do.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, asked me about yesterday incidents. They tried to use the card "I'm sorry, I saw everything but, how are you? I just wanted to ask that" to try and obtain as much information as they could. Liars.

I wasn't in the mood for it, so I barely answered without biting someone's head off. Even at lunch the girls and I had to go eat outside the cafeteria, because people didn't stop arriving to our table to "check up on me" yeah right.

However, it was actually a good choice because I received more texts from Brianna saying exactly this:

Sofía where are you?
Brianna - 30 minutes ago 

Brianna - 24 minutes ago

Brianna - 20 minutes ago

Sofía stop ignoring me
Brianna - 15 minutes ago

I already know you came
Brianna - 12 minutes ago

What aren't you in our tutor session?
Brianna - 8 minutes ago

Sofía you better come right now to my classroom
Brianna - 5 minutes ago

And after that I blocked her, yep. I could see that she was still writing so that seemed like the best move for me. I mean if I got too scared, I would end up running straight to her, or if I get too annoyed, I'll end up going right to her to yell and fight. Either way it was bad, ignoring my problems seemed like the best idea.

The problem was...that my next and last class was algebra. On my way to my imminent death, I was literary praying to all the gods I could remember, I need everyone's help for what's next.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now