37. Is she the competition?

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Deep down I've always wanted to be in a love triangle, I grew up watching Colombian telenovelas in which the girl always had to choose between two gorgeous suitors. Deep down I wanted that, or at least the 6 years-old me did. Once I even prayed like this: Dear G-d, if you exist...could you please make my life a telenovela?

Well, now I know that G-d does exists.

"How do you know her?" Brianna demanded to know.

"You're my student?" Jennifer asked, completely ignoring Brianna's question.

I opened my mouth to try to find answers for at least one of their questions, but instead of facing the hard, ridiculous and cruel reality, I only focused on the 'ridiculous' part. So, I did what any sane person would do, I burst out laughing.

Brianna and Jennifer, both eyed me with wide eyes, Brianna with evident anger and jealousy, and Jenifer with pure and utter shock.

In that exact same moment, the bell ringed, making all of us jump.

"I need to talk to you, I have a free period right now...just wait" Jennifer quickly mumbled while I nodded, still laughing but less.

The students started getting out of the classroom, as soon as Val saw me ran towards me. That was until one creepy boy that has a crush on Val blocked her way and with a disgusted face she turned around and walked in the opposite direction.  Geez, I wanna punch that boy so bad.

"Move so they can get out of the classroom" Brianna said with her arms crossed.

"What are you doing? Why are you still here?" I whispered to her.

"I'm waiting for that talk that the wannabe teacher promised you" Brianna deadpanned.

"Uh, it's a private talk"

"Like hell I'm leaving you alone with her" Brianna hissed. I've gotta admit it, jealous Brianna is a sight that I enjoy a little.

One few seconds had passed and when the last student got out, I entered to what I guess now is Jennifer classroom with Brianna close behind.

"What is she doing here?" Jennifer asked me, looking briefly at Brianna.

"She has a name" Brianna hissed.

"I wasn't talking to you" Jennifer stated.

Ok even though part of me is enjoying this, I know that I need to intervene, or someone is getting hurt. Lowkey, I know that Brianna wouldn't.

"I swear I wasn't into teachers until I met you" I said, it was the first thing that came into my mind. Don't judge.

Then I burst out laughing again, now you can judge.

Brianna and Jennifer's face was of pure shock, once again the same emotion but portrayed different.

"And in case you're wondering, she is also a teacher here" I pointed towards Brianna.

"So, you were sleeping with your student?" Jennifer a said with a disgusted face.

"That's what you wanted to do last night, but you really aren't her type" Brianna hissed.

"Says the ex-girlfriend" Jennifer attacked.

"Watch your tongue if you wanna keep it" Brianna said in a dangerously low tone.

I was mesmerized by these two ladies, and also at the fact that they were fighting for me...or for their egos...I'm actually not sure. The point is that both of them are gorgeous and I really can't help but stare. 

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora