14. Phone call

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Let's give this a try...

Brianna's POV

Was this my fourth or fifth drink? Don't know, don't care. Life seamed to be giving me surprises after surprises non-stop, and my life was getting crazier each day. So, what else could I do besides drink? Well, to be honest I did go somewhere first but I ended up more upset which lead me to be sitting here in this shitty bar.

I went to Sofía and I secret garden spot, I been going there quite often and each time I am grateful and disappointed because I never have run into her. She is beautiful, and full of surprises, I'll be lying if I said that I didn't feel attracted to her from the first moment that I saw her. I didn't think that she could be a student, she already looked perfect and she is barely 18 years old, G-d I'm sure she is one of those people that are already gorgeous but they get even more good-looking as the years pass.

I wish she was here.

Oh G-d, I have to stop. She is my student and that's the only thing she can be. I have to stop thinking about her beautiful hazel eyes, and about how much I want to kiss h- STOP.

"Another one" I yelled to the bartender.

"You look like you could use some company" A woman said. I turned around a little and took her in, she had blonde wavy hair and a nice smile. She was pretty, but not like Sofía. In fact, I don't think anyone could be as beautiful as Sofía.

"I'm Amber" the woman said again. Maybe this is what I need to forget S-...to forget her. Maybe I need to flirt with a beautiful stranger.

"I'm Brianna" I said smiling.

"Beautiful name, like you" Amber said and then winked.

I was about to answer when another woman voice butt in. "Hey Amber! Sorry to interrupt, is just that Sophie is making out with some guy and I think it's the best if I take her home" the stranger said.

My head went somewhere else, I flinched when I heard that name. She is not 'Shopie', I knew my Sofía couldn't be here because she was at a party. A party full of horny teenagers that already worship her when they are sober, she is surrounded with the hottest and the most popular crowd of the school, and all of them have a crush for her. I'm going to be sick.

Amber and her friend continued exchanging a few words but I couldn't concentrate in what they were saying, the image of Sofía being with someone else clouded my vision. My whole body burned with jealousy, I know she isn't mine...but I want her to be.

Without further thinking I called the bartender and left him money to pay for my drinks. I didn't even say goodbye to Amber, I just walked out the bar and got into my car. I wasn't driving, I care for my life too much to do that. I wanted silence and space to do the dumb thing that I'm thinking of doing right now. I scrolled through my phone until I got to Sofía's number. Without thinking I dialed it.

As the phone kept ringing I couldn't help but worry. Maybe she is with someone after all, maybe she doesn't want me that much. She keeps waiting for me and I haven't given her something solid to hold on to. I mean, I'm her fucking teacher and she could have anyone she wants, I'm sure her parents could even call Beyonce and-

"Hello" the most angelic voice in the world said. My breath stopped for a minute.

"Hi Sofía" I said breathless. There wasn't music in the background, she must be in her house now. I snapped out of my trance and added "It's Brianna".

"I know" she said, and I smiled.

"You gave me your number weeks ago, that's why I have it" I blurted out, I didn't want to look like a creep or a stalker. "I just wanted to say hi, oh but if you still are at the party I can call later" Of course I already know she is not at the party.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang