23. Homecoming

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Hey everyone! This chapter was so special and I enjoyed writing it so much that I just couldn't help myself and looked for what I would like Sofía's and Brianna's dresses to look like. The photo featured in this chapter is the photo interpretation of Sofía's dress!


I stood there in front of the mirror, gazing at I don't know what. The remaining days of the week passed by quickly and today it was finally Homecoming.

After Percy's intervention, Brianna and I didn't spoke at all. She stopped trying to corner me and I avoided her as much as I could, this was how things were supposed to go after all. I don't mind that she can be rude sometimes, or that she is a closed person, hell I don't even mind that she is my freaking teacher, but what I do mind is that she played with my feelings.

I guess nothing was left to say. However, that last kiss that I shared with her, the way she admitted being in love with me, that was hard to forget. And I keep on having very strong feelings for her, but now the only thing I can do about them is burry them the deepest I can.

I looked closely at my features, I was wearing light makeup but either way it was more than what I usually wear, I looked pretty. My golden dress is everything I dreamed it to be, in other circumstances I would be jumping out of happiness, I look like a princess, no wait, more like a queen. My dress is elegant yet edgy, and my red locks of hair look like they sparkle alongside the golden dress. I know I will be the center of attention, and before 'breaking up' with Brianna I wanted to be on the spotlight, but now...I don't even want to go to this stupid dance.

I forced a smile, that's how I've looked all week? I need to start improving my acting skills, that smile screamed fake. I sighed, my eyes went back to look at my reflection "You've got this Sofía, you are beautiful and have amazing friends that are waiting for you" I said to myself.

Jake passed by my apartment a day after Percy did the whole...thing, long-story-short, I forgave him too but decided that I won't be going with neither of them tonight. Is like dating on Homecoming night, weird but I liked the idea, and Percy was the one that gave it to me.

Nikki, Val and I were supposed to get ready together but last minute we decided that it was better if we didn't. So their dates could go to their houses for them and they would take pictures and all of that, I was going alone. I liked it that way.

Because it doesn't matter how hard I tried to forget Brianna, she's always on my mind. I would like to go with her tonight, I would like to talk to her, I would like things to be like they were before.

I sighed.

After an what it felt like an eternity, I found the inner strength to move. It was time to go now, I looked over at myself again, I looked really pretty.

The ride was shorter than what I expected, and quickly I was standing in front of the High School doors, and about to enter the dance.

I entered feeling small, time to face just how awful life is. Every step I took cost me great inner strength, or at least it did until I locked eyes with the most beautiful woman that ever lived.

It was like if we had something that connected us, our gazes landed on each other like magnets. She was wearing a simple black dress that hung to her body, not too much but enough to show her curves and amazing body, my legs became weak at the sight.

My eyes moved from hers only to admire her up and down, she was breathtaking, and I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed how beautiful she looked. She wasn't wearing any makeup at all and her wavy hair stood lazily over her neck and shoulders, it was just as if she wasn't even trying, like if she was just...a goddess.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora