16. What a great life

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I every single cell in my brain was focused on algebra, my genius plan was to try to finish everything early so I can have time to stare at the goddess in front of me, aka Brianna. It's was a win-win situation, and Brianna can't call me out for it, because I'm actually doing the class work before I start starting.

However, when the bell rang signaling the end of the class and the school day, I couldn't help but to squeal in excitement. Bitch, I was basically dragging people out of the classroom, Percy was the hardest one. Nowadays I sit a little far away from him, I enjoy his company as a friend but almost every day he wants to chat a little after or before every class. And while he chats, I die because I can't wait to be alone with Brianna.

When the last student left, I hurried to close the door and sat on Brianna's desk, however I wasn't close to her. I felt comfortable around her, but also like crazy nervous, I wasn't sure how to act because I'm not sure how would she react to anything I did; I know that she has a hard time letting people in. But she took notice of my eagerness of being alone with her, and smiled widely, I admit that I was a little embarrassed by how obvious I was being. But one thing that I've learned about Brianna is that she needs to feel safe in order to open up, and I wanted her to trust me, doesn't matter if I have to make a fool out of myself more than usual.

"So...where were we? I swear that if someone interrupts us now, I will throw myself over the window" I said dramatically.

"Someone is eager...I can't help if your fans need you" she smiled playfully.

"Whoa, you were the one that let them in" I crossed my arms.

"I know, but it was nice to see you all prom queen mode. You are really popular here, people really admire you" she stated.

"It's because I'm international" I shrugged, remembering my conversation with Nikki and Val.

"It might help a little bit, but I don't think that is the main reason. There are plenty of exchange students and this school is basically for elite families with a lot of money, so your family status or money is not it" She said in full teacher mode.

"So you've been checking the students out? Planning on cheating on me?" I asked pretending to be hurt.

"I didn't check them out, they came to me" she said dismissively.

I felt a stab of jealousy go through me. I knew how amazing Brianna is, everyone with eyes should know that. And I know that surely teenagers aren't the only ones to hit on her. The thought made me very uncomfortable, because I knew there were nothing I could do about it.

"Are you okay? You zoned out" Brianna asked and I shook my head.

"You can talk to me" she said scooting closer to me and reaching for my hand.

I was able to articulate a weak "I'm fine", but without looking at her because I knew I couldn't be able to hold it if I looked at her.

How could I tell her that what's bothering me is that I don't know what we are? I'm sure that she feels something too, I don't want to rush her but I want to now where do I stand. She hasn't told me no, but she hasn't told me yes either...and I'm confused.

"You don't trust me?" she said almost in a whisper and I hurried face her. But when I did, now she was the one not looking at me, but I could see the sadness and hurt flash in her eyes. Brianna was good at yelling and expressing anger, but when it comes to expressing vulnerability she always struggles, with actions and with words the most. She looked like a child right now, like a hurt kid. I was the one that hurt her, she looked so small and my heart couldn't help but to ache for her.

Love is Supposed to be Messy (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora