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Late Christmas gift from me to you <3

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Late Christmas gift from me to you <3

When is your birthday

I'm asking this because the 25th of December is my little brother birthday. He's a Christmas baby🥺 (mine is feb 18)

"He gave you a rock?" Eddie asked leaning over the table with a very judgmental look on his face. This whole time she had been bragging about what she got and how it was so much better that the stupid plaques. "Yup." She said with a smile as she took a bite of her food. For a couple seconds Eddie stopped to blink a few times before letting out a chuckle. "A rock...like a diamond or..." he suggested with a small glare in his eyes trying to think of something, anything other that a piece of junk that his father probably picked up off the floor. "I mean a rock...a literal rock." She said bluntly leaning back into her seat. Now really understanding that she meant a regular old rock he scratched the back of his head and apologized. "Jeez, I'm sorry. If I would've know he was giving you something I would've told him to opt for something...less cheap and dirty."

To that Lilly let out a loud gasp at his harsh words. "What's wrong with a rock Eddie?" She asked trying to keep her voice down. "N-nothing it's just I thought you would've preferred something...nice?" His tone felt as if he was asking a question. "It it nice." Lilly defended taking the rock out of the pocket of her jacket and showing it to him. "Look it's got my class craved into it, and my initials in the corner. I think it's really sweet, I'll keep it forever." She told him with a small smile, it looked like she actually really did like the gift. If it were Eddie he would be a bit annoyed as to why he was gifted a rock of all things, you can't do anything with a rock. "Oh right, I forgot your stupid." He commented with a roll of his eyes.

The boy reached over the table to grab it but she quickly dodged and pulled it away from him. "Only people who earn it get to hold it, sorry Eddie." She said with a smug smile on her face. He rolled his eyes and leaned back "oh come on I just wanna see it." He complained making Lilly chuckle as she held it up. "There, you're seeing it." Now she was being the smart ass, the rolls were suddenly reversed. He kinda got a feeling of why being a smart ass was so annoying, but it was fun when he was the one doing it. "What's so special about it anyways? It's dumb." He commented. "I'm not dumb for wanting something simple and meaningful. For me it's about the memory. It's just a rock but it means more to me since you and Mr. Truelock were the only people here for me today."

The mood had completely altered into light hearted comments and fun to something a little more serious and heavy. Eddie swallowed the nervous lump in his throat trying to find something to say, luckily he pushed down his nervousness that had always prevented him from talking about these things with her, he could tell that this was troubling her deeply. What friend would he be if he constantly pushed his friends feelings away? "I'm sorry." He breathed out after a while "...for no one really coming. Like your dad and your mom...even Lenora and her family." Eddie clarified. Lilly shrugged her shoulders and played with her food. "It's sucks but it's not the end of the world I guess...at least some of my friends were there." She said looking at who actually was there for her instead of who wasn't.

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