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𝐴 𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Ever since that day Lilly came to Emma's house for a few minutes or so, some days even hours every chance she got

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Ever since that day Lilly came to Emma's house for a few minutes or so, some days even hours every chance she got. She liked it there, it was calm and cozy while her house still felt foreign to her. Emma didn't mind at all, in fact she liked the girls company, and the fact her sweet granddaughter had a friend, a best friend perhaps brought peace to her.

Lilly liked to help Emma out in the kitchen, even though she wasn't the best cook, baking was more of her thing just like her mom. Still she didn't mind, Lenora and her shared a few laughs whenever Lilly messed up, it wasn't a big deal it just made it all the more exciting.

While getting closer with Lenora, Arvin and her remained neutral for the most part. They never really talked much honestly, whenever she was around he was with his friends, or had a smoke outside with his uncle. They only exchanged hellos and goodbyes, she noticed that he was very much more reserved than Lenora. The girl knew Arvin didn't hate her but she wondered if she annoyed him, but she didn't want to find out if that was the case. Still he was very polite to her and didn't really say much after that day Lilly came to apologize about her father's behavior.

School was a pain in the ass, so nothing new about that. Just as she thought those boys were about done with their games she would realize that was not the case. They still continued to pick on her, although Lilly believed she was lucky compared to the way Lenora and other girls were treated.

Thinking of all types of things she had to do today Lilly opened up her locker with a sigh. Despite her cheery demeanor she couldn't help but feel really odd, she didn't know how to describe it. She was feeling sad but she didn't know why. It happened a lot, and heard that it was normal, maybe it I was just the weather. Whatever it was, she couldn't help but feel dull. There were some days she just needed to let out a good cry, everyone had days like that.

"Lilly." A voice called out to her making her turn around quickly, that voice did sound every familiar, although it wasn't her friend Lenora. "Arvin, hey." She greeted a bit shocked. "Hey...uh you left your sweater at the house. Lenora asked me to give it to you." He informed clearing his throat a bit, he tended to do that quite a lot. Arvin handed her the green sweater that had been sitting in his car ever since first period. He had tried to give it to her earlier, but he had forgotten.

"Thanks." Lilly said with a smile of gratitude before taking it out of his hands, placing it neatly in her locker so she would retrieve it when school ended. "Where's Lenora?" Arvin asked looking around wondering why his sister wasn't here. He had gotten used to seeing the pair always together during lunch. "She had to stay back and take a quiz." Lilly told him with a nod.

Arvin opened his mouth to respond but was inturpted by Gene and his dumb ass buddies shouting something from the hall. "Well if it isn't the whore and the sister fucker." Gene said using his left arm to push the girl into the lockers as he walked passed them. Her getting pushed into the metal made a loud bang making some heads turn. Hearing gene and his friends laugh made Lilly form a fist in anger.

"Fucking Gene Dinwoodie." Arvin and Lilly said under their breaths in unison. "They're so fucking lucky we're in the halls." He said with anger, Lilly couldn't agree more, she didn't understand what their problem was. Would it hurt them just to give it a rest already, there was really nothing to gain from picking on Lenora or the other girls. "Well they just ruined my day." The girl said with a glare. "Ugh they're so stupid I just wanna knock the lights out of them." She said letting anger get the best of her. "Sorry, they just get me really mad." She apologized

"Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, can I asked you something?" The girl questioned with slight hesitation. "Go ahead." He responded with a nod. "Well it's not really a question, it's more of a suggestion, but it's not like I'm forcing you or anything it just if you want to but—"

"Just tell me." Arvin said cutting her off from her rambling with a slight smile that he didn't think she saw "Right. So um you should really teach me how to punch someone. I mean what else am I supposed to do if I get cornered by Dinwoodie and his goons? Sure I could run, but I really think you teaching me the proper way of punching would be—"

"I don't know. If Lenora finds out I think she wouldn't really like the idea of it. My grandma wouldn't either. And I'm pretty sure your daddy doesn't even know you hang out with my sister." That was true, she'd been telling her father that a old lady had been needing her help at her house for the past month, it looked like she needed to change up her excuse a bit.

Arvin didn't mind teaching her at all but he didn't really know her that well, whenever they were alone together it was always a bit awkward. He wasn't that good with new people. "Yeah you're right. And I'm pretty sure you would want to do other things with your time." She told him with and understanding tone. It really was so big deal, it was just an idea.

"So Lilly...do you have any crushes?" Lenora asked with a whisper as they both sat comfortably on her bed. To that question a sly smirk formed of her friends lips, Lilly gestured for Lenora to put her ear closer. Very excited to hear who the boy was she braced herself, only to have that excitement fade away as Lilly whispered "no one."

"Gosh Lilly why do you do that?" Lenora whined hitting the girl on the shoulder. At her distress Lilly cackled "now are you serious? You don't like anybody? At all?" Lenora questioned wanted her friend to spill the beans, that is if she even had any. "Oh I'm dead serious. I don't like anyone that the moment, boys are gross." She said joking in a child like way. Like how little boys would would run away from girl because they had cooties. Now it was time for Lilly to question Lenora about her crushes. "What about you?"

If she were being honest, she had never really had one that lasted, all of hers were maybe for about a week or so until she would realize the guy was a total asshole. "Not right now, but I know the Lord has someone out there waiting for me. I can't wait to meet him." She said with some excitement in her voice. For some reason Lilly frowned, when it came to topics like this, it always made her sad for some reason. It wasn't anything in particular, maybe everyone was like that.

"Do you believe in that?" Lilly asked as she fiddle with the cover that rested flat beneath them. "Believe in what?" She asked tilting her head the smallest bit. "In soulmates." Her friend clarified. "Yeah...I do. There's someone out there for everyone." Lenora told her giving a small smile. "Why? Do you not believe in them?"

"I don't know...I hope so. It's complicated, the whole concept of soulmates gives me hope but I don't really want to rely on that. If they are real it would be wonderful if they hurried up to come get me." The two girls let out a laugh. "You'll find yours Lilly I promise." Lenora reassured her, but who can really make a promise about that.

Great now with this concept already stuck in her head Lilly wasn't going to be able to sleep at all tonight.


This chapter is so bad I'm sorry I kinda had a brain fart the entire time.

I'm just thinking about when/how I can have Arvin and Lilly develop a friendship. Please leave some suggestions. I really need them🥺💔

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