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𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙

"Happy birthday dear Lilly, happy birthday to you!" Her father sung with a smile as her stepmom stood by his side holding a plate of brownies

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"Happy birthday dear Lilly, happy birthday to you!" Her father sung with a smile as her stepmom stood by his side holding a plate of brownies. A candle stuck into the top one, the candle that represented her 17th year of life. Once they were finished with the cheery song about being one year closer to death, her stepmother set the plate at the center of the table.

"Go on make a wish." Preston said to his daughter as he sat down on the wooden chair, hearing a slight creek. After contemplating what she would wish for this year, she blew out the candle in one quick blow watching the smoke go off into the atmosphere. She loved that smell, the smell after blowing out a candle, or the smell of burning paper. They reminded the girl of roasted marshmallows.

"These brownies look wonderful Mildred, thank you." Lilly said to her step mother with a smile and a nod. "I'm sure they're nothing compared to the ones you make, but I tried my best. Happy birthday sweetheart." She told her as she bent down to the side, retrieving two boxes with pink wrapping paper. Both of the boxes sealed with a nice bow on top. "From your father and I."

Preston gave a smile, telling her it was okay to open it now. The girl, now being very exited untied the bow and reviled her first present. "Oh....a bible..." she said trying to cover up the disappointment with enthusiasm. "Well I figure all your other ones are old, you need a brand new one."

"Of course you're quite right." Lilly said clearing her throat, a fake smile plastered her face. Every year she got a bible. Every. Single. Year. "Go on now. Open your second one." Mildred encouraged giving her a playful push. Now onto the second one, which clearly wasn't a puppy since the box was far too small.

This time what was sitting in the box was a necklace, it looked to be hand made. A cross dangling in the middle. "Your father made it himself." Mildred told her with proudness in her voice. "Thank you daddy, I won't ever take it off." Lilly told him. At least this present wasn't bad at all, she was grateful, but this is both what she wanted this year at all.

She asked for a puppy, she got a bible. She asked for some records for the record player, she got a crucifix necklace. This happened every year, still she decided not to complain, it was better than getting nothing. Even though she wanted a puppy more than anything, a little fella to keep her company in this boring house.

"This year is extra special Lilly." Her father began look at his wife with a face of excitement. Now Lilly's interest was peaked. "We have another surprise..." 'a puppy! It has to be a puppy. What will I name it? It's it a boy or a girl? Doesn't matter, I'll love it no matter what' Lilly thought to herself. If it was a dog, she wouldn't know how to thank her father.

"We're moving, down to Coal Creek. Where I will be a preacher at the church. Ain't that something?" Preston said with excitement. She didn't want to move to no Coal Creek, she didn't want to change schools. Although it would be nice to meet new people she was comfortable here, in her old boring house. She didn't want anything to change.

Unfortunately for her, change was inevitable. And oh did her whole world change after that.

✞𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 ✞  𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀  >> 𝘼𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣 𝙍.Where stories live. Discover now