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"So can you come over today?" Gene asked looking down at Lilly, he had just walked up to her during school when everyone was passing in the halls

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"So can you come over today?" Gene asked looking down at Lilly, he had just walked up to her during school when everyone was passing in the halls. So much for keeping their little arrangement lowkey. It honestly felt like they were dating, she had the displeasure of seeing him every single day to walk him home hand in had.

"Are you crazy? Why are you talking to me?" Lilly whispered under her breath as she looked around to see if anyone had noticed. "You already know what I told you. Don't talk to me during school. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea." She repeated for the millionth time.

Genes face turned to one of amusement, he was kinda getting a kick out of this. "Idea of what? That we're dating?" He asked a bit loudly making Lilly's eyes widen. "Shhh!" The girl exclaimed in a panic. "I'll come over at around seven if that's alright with your parents." The girl said bitterly with a glare "yeah, I'll pick you up around then. So be ready and please don't dress like a whore."

Lilly rolled her eyes and looked up at him, he didn't leave, the boy just stared down at her with a smug smile at the fact that he technically had her wrapped around his finger. He knew she was only agreeing to this for her friend Lenora. Using Lenora was clearly a good idea, he could make her do whatever he wanted.

"Why in the world is he talking to her?" Lenora asked herself as she stared at the two interacting from across the hall. "What are you talking about?" Arvin asked in confusion not noticing Gene was practically all over Lilly. His sister pointed in their direction making Arvin turn around and saw exactly what Lenora was staring at. Instantly Arvin felt his jaw clench, so many questions ran through his mind. Why in the world was he talking to her, and why was she talking to him.

"Gene, Lenora and Arvin are staring." She informed him, she could seen them from the corner of her eye. "Fine, but I'm picking you up tonight so make plans with your boyfriend later." He said before walking away. Quickly Lilly made her way to Lenora and Arvin. Still the boys eyes were glaring at Gene as he walked away.

"What was that all about?" Arvin asked knowing his sister was thinking the same thing "he wanted the notes for history, I told him no. Don't worry about it." She reassured Arvin with a smile, this made Arvin worry less. He believed her, at least Gene wasn't doing anything stupid that was bothering his friend that he was becoming quite keen with. "If he's bothering you just tell me, okay?" The boy reminded, looking down at her as he leaned against the locker.

Lenora couldn't help but smile at this, her eyes on the two. Specifically her brother, the way he looked at her friend was something she hadn't seen before. "I'm gonna head to class. I'll see you two later." She told them wanting to leave them alone together for a bit. "Okay bye Lenora." Lilly waved with a smile.

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