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[⚠️Trigger warning: talk of drugs and withdraw⚠️]✨inspired by Euphoria(love that show)✨

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[⚠️Trigger warning: talk of drugs and withdraw⚠️]
✨inspired by Euphoria(love that show)✨

Are you the youngest, oldest or middle child? (Or only child HDJEBD)

I'm the oldest out of my siblings and all my cousins on both sides💀🧍🏻‍♀️

Lilly was not prepared at all for her little presentation for tomorrow in English, granted they didn't have to really do any work but it was more of a social project and if you participated you got a grade, easy and simple. That promise Lilly made about not going to work high was broken as soon as she got home. It was so hard for her to get through the day, it was excruciating and annoying. It got really bad during 5th period that Monday, she should've taken a small bottle of it to get her through the school day. She was so close to calling home because it felt that bad, her anxiety was through the roof and usually she didn't get that much of anxiety.

So Monday after school she went home and rushed to her room slamming the door behind her and did what her mind and body were practically begging for. She felt good after that, really good and she was doing really well at work surprisingly. It was probably because GHB made her more social than she already was but it made her act out of character, this didn't go unnoticed by any of her friends at all. Veronica and Candy also questioned her about her little disappearance on Friday and Saturday but they didn't really get much out of her. Lilly wasn't interested in talking about it, she just wanted to joke around most of the time. Which was a bit normal but Lilly was usually the type to be serious really quick if it wasn't time for jokes.

Walking through the halls she thought about how she could maybe skip English tomorrow and just hide in the restroom because she didn't want to get up in front of the class and talk, it was stupid and pointless. It's not they they were gonna listen to what she had to say anyways, they were all just assholes who cared about themselves. Anything else didn't interest them and she was starting to see that. This school really fucking sucked. So blind to bullying, mental health and harassment but it's the end of the fucking world when a student gets a C or the girls wear skirts that go above the knee. Now she didn't know why she was thinking about this but it was just something that came up. She thought about bringing it up tomorrow in English but she knew people would make fun of her for actually thinking about important things. I think I'll just hide in the bathroom. She told herself with a roll of her eyes.

"Hey Lilly." Jamie greeted with a smile, Kevin was right beside him. The two boys haven't really talked to her in so long. They just wanted to catch up. "Oh hey guys." She greeted with a smile as well, yes right now she was on that stuff. It was hard and confusing when she wasn't, it honestly kinda became the normal for her, she didn't feel sad anymore this just wouldn't allow her to. She leaned on it for comfort and support, it had only been about a week. She was on it day an night. Occasionally she would feel the need to throw up and felt dizzy at times but right now her mind didn't right away go to 'Oh hey its an addiction, and I need to stop'. Instead it went to 'I'll stop later but right now this feels good'.

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