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Favorite Disney princess?

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Favorite Disney princess?

Mine is Ariel and Tiana

"Uh...what's going on?" Lilly asked looking around the halls with her head turning straight to Lenoras locker. "I have no idea..." Veronica responded holding a tighter grip on her school books. Now that the three girls were looking at it more it clearly wasn't good. "Uh oh." Candy let out knowing there was no way this would go good. Knowing how protective Arvin and Lilly were of Lenora the girl wasn't going to let this slide. "Why don't you guys just go to class?" Lilly suggested to her friends who just stood their ground. "No we're gonna stay with you." Veronica said with confidence, they wanted to defend their friend, even in death. "Okay then...suit yourself." Lilly responses with a shrug and walked over to Lenoras old locker that was surrounded by candles and flowers.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lilly asked while she approached Gene and his goons. The girl kept her arms crossed looking at the boy waiting for an answer, instead he just looked around and waited for someone to answer for him. "We're cleaning up the memorial on behalf of the principal." Alora informed as she stood up from having been crouched down on the floor. "...there was an anonymous complaint about the safety hazard of this memorial..you know with all these candles." The blonde girl added with a small lighthearted laugh. "I'm guessing that the complaint isn't all that 'anonymous' now." Lilly said knowing it was her, she wasn't dumb. Although Lilly had no idea what Alora would gain from wanting to take down Lenoras memorial. Maybe it was just to be a bitch, yup totally just a bitch.

"Oh don't be silly. I am so sorry for the loss of your girlfriend, I'm just trying to fulfill the orders of the one who is in charge here." Alora said with seriousness making Lilly and her friend roll their eyes. "Okay Gene and Alora, y'all should just walk away..." Lilly warned with a glare. Gene looked scared and very nervous. "I-It wasn't my idea. Alora dragged me along I know it was a bad idea and I told her but she wouldn't listen." Gene stuttered trying to find an excuse so he wouldn't piss off Arvin any further. Although what he said was true, he didn't want to come along with Alora and her friends but they dragged him, Tommy and Orville along. Still, the boys were a bit bruised up and now very scared of Lilly's boyfriend. "Yeah, maybe we should just get out of here..." Tommy suggested looking back at the girls. "What's a couple of candles gonna do anyways?" Orville added with a nervous chuckle.

"Thanks, I'm sure y'all learned your lesson. I know you wouldn't want Arvin to teach you another one." The girl told the boys with a fake smile. "Sorry we were a bother, we'll get out of your hair now." Gene told Lilly with a couple of nods "yeah thanks." Veronica said with a small wave of her fingers. Then the boys turned around but stopped, noticing Alora and her other friend weren't following. "Guys come on let's go. It ain't worth it." Orville told the two. "Relax, we're not scared of Arvin like you guys are. He can't do anything to us, that would look really bad on his part." Alora said with a smug smile. The boys just looked at each other and walked away
not wanting any more part in this. "Now where were we? Oh yeah, we're gonna take this down so if you three would just get out of my way please? Thanks."

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