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🎁:What's personally your favorite thing about this TDATT book???

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What's personally your favorite thing about this TDATT book???

"So how did it go?" Leo asked as he sat down next to Lilly who was just picking at her food "how did what go?" She questioned in a tired voice, her head resting on the palm of her hand. "The tests." Leo reminded catching everyone else's attention, it seemed like everyone else was interested to. "It was okay." Her voice was low and not filled with that much excitement. "It was hard. I was tired at it was all so confusing...with all the words and the numbers." Lilly added, a sigh escaping her lips.

"How do you think you did?" Jamie questioned "...um I think I did mediocre..." Lilly never thought she would say that. Past her hated whenever she did mediocre, it may be stupid but she wanted to be the best. Clearly she was doing just that except for this week, she was fine being just mediocre now. "Oh no she failed." Kevin said with a gasp. "It's not the end of the world." She answered though on the inside she thought the opposite. "Woah...Lilly you're supposed to be mad. Like how when you almost failed the science quiz, you didn't let that shit go for weeks." Leo said with a small laugh.

"The test was really confusing, I tried my best and that's what matters. If I fail then I'll do better next time." Lilly said with a calm and collective tone. "Where's Arvin?" Veronica asked looking around the lunch table. "They're not allowed to be together during school." Candy answered before Lilly could. "Ugh did you get caught in the restroom? It happens to Kevin and I all the time." The black haired girl commented with a roll of her eyes. "Do you work today?" Candy asked as she laid her head on Jamie's shoulder.

Lilly nodded her head a couple times "yup." Veronica opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a very familiar and annoying voice. "Hey guys." Alora said with a very fake yet perfect smile it made Lilly want to punch her in the face. "Hey." The group said in a very unenthusiastic tone. "So! As you all know Homecoming votes start today and I just wanted to remind y'all just incase you forgot." She informed clapping her skinny hands together. "Yeah we know." Leo said with a nod. "What did you say?" Gene asked coming up and wrapped his arm around Alora.

"They're being so rude." She told him with a small pout and crossed her arms. "Hmm is that so?" Gene played along with a slight chuckle. "Hey Teagardin, is your friend here really being rude to my girl?" He asked looking at her. Lilly smiled and looked back at him "okay Pillsbury Dough Turd, I'm pretty sure you're not even supposed to look at me so why are you talking to me?" Kevin cracked a laugh to the nickname she had come up with. "But to answer your question, No. No one is being rude to your girl." She added.

"Yikes someone sounds jealous, where's Arvin anyways?" Gene asked leaning his body over the tables. To that comment Lilly let out a laugh. "Jealous? Of what? That Alora is basically nailing and Orca? It would be like being smothered by a ball of grease." She responded shocking almost everyone that she had said that. Honestly Lilly was just caught up in the moment and was tired. She was still angry at her dad and needed to take it out on someone, better to take it out on the biggest asshole as school. "Fuck you." Gene said and walked away taking his girlfriend with him.

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