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A quiet chatter raises from the shop, where mostly young people in their 20s were hanging out most of the time. At the back of the room, right near the window, in between a plant and Pat, is sitting Sam, obviously troubled. I make my way through the room, saluting Alex - who is studying with me at college - before sitting down across from the two lovers.

Sam seems thoughtful. 

"How did it go with Rachel?" she asks, raising her eyebrow. Realising that I had a somber tone, she adds: "I hope you played nice, Kratchet"

"I did, don't worry, but she ain't helping us. I told you."

"Well, shit" Sam continues, before Pat puts a hand on her own, squeezing it softly. 

Otherwise, I would've just made a reflexion about how heterosexual people spend their hours making big loving demonstrations - especially long, tongue-involved kisses that are truly disgusting - before telling homosexual people not to 'brag' in front of them. But in truth, I really like Sam and Pat together, because he has been there through it all: the uncover of the truth about our father, his death, our mother's disease, all those visits at the hospital those past three years... Pat was so supportive with her, and somehow, for the first time, I thought that a couple was perfect for each other.

Anyway, my sister seems utterly anxious, and it was my duty as sister to reassure her:

"It's fine, we don't need her anyway" I say, confident. As she lifts her dark blue eyes toward me, I add: "The only useful thing this bitch said is that the O'Haras are connected with the Presses, so one of us need to get closer to Kelley O'Hara to gather informations, because something tells me that Stacey Press' plan for Christen is to form a partnership with Kelley in the future."

"Mh, that's interesting" Sam points out, raising her eyebrow. Looking around, she then gives a nod in the direction opposite from mine, and when I quickly look and spot Kelley, she continues: "Getting closer to her might not be a problem: before Pat arrived this morning, I was studying and she just sat down across from me and just talked to me. She's pretty nice, actually. So I can take care of that part of the plan. But are we sure that trying to seduce Shelina is a good idea?"

"Qui vivra verra" I sarcastically let out, as both Sam and Pat just stare at me, frowning. Sighing, I translate: "It means 'time will tell' in French"

"Since when do you speak French, Kris?" Pat asks, smirking.

"I don't, but sometimes the Frenchs are so dramatic that I feel like I have French blood hidden somewhere inside of me"

They both burst into laughter, as I crack a smile.

As we are just continuing the conversation about that time Sam took French classes just to impress Pat, there is a stream of cold air going through the room, making me shiver. Falling into silence, we all look at the entrance door: right there was standing Abby, obviously pretty tired, pulling Mallory Press' wheelchair through the room. When she spots us, she starts walking toward us, the wheelchair making a calming noise.

Obviously this wasn't ideal, but we couldn't just pass on the occasion to meet with Christen's younger sister since she can play such a critical part in the latter's psychology. Either way, Abby didn't think it'd be a problem, because she seems quite calm considering everything going on in her life lately. As she gets to our table, we all smile at her and Mallory.

While installing Mallory's wheelchair so that she is comfortable and can drink anything, Abby stares at us and says:

"Mal, these two are my half-sisters, Kristie and Sam, and Sam's boyfriend, Pat."

There is a brief moment of silence, as Pat shakes Mallory's hand because neither Sam or myself moved.

"Nice to meet you, Sam's boyfriend" Mallory articulates, then shaking Sam's hand at last. When she comes to shake my hand, her eyes seem to smirk, as she settles: "And especially nice to meet you, Kristie Mewis. Rumour has it you've been a pain in my sister's ass"

"That's kind of my speciality, young woman" I proudly say, smirking. 

When she lets go of my hand, Mallory smirks as well. As everybody is just staring at us weirdly, the youngster doesn't lose time and says:

"I bet you guys are trying to be the masterminds that will free my sister from her chains, right?" 

Abby seems thoughtful. 

"She's made her choice, Mallory, you know it."

"Choice my ass, yes" the younger girl says, obviously pretty and about how things had been handled inside her family lately and maybe her whole life. As Sam is about to respond that we weren't trying to make masterplans, Mallory continues: "Neither Christen nor this poor Canadian girl seem very happy about their so-called 'engagement'."

"Anyway, we should just let them deal with their own problems, right?" Abby insists, obviously willing to change the topic of the discussion. 

But Mallory is not finished, and she drops the bomb (although we all knew it already):

"I know my sister better than everybody else in her life, and I can say for a fact that the person on her mind at the moment is not poor Shelina. She would never have agreed to an engagement with somebody she doesn't love if it wasn't for our family. They're crazy, you know."

I smirk. 

"Dear Mallory, I cannot help but be amazed by your harsh honesty and see in you a younger Krisite Mewis, only more tanned." I say, in an ironic tone. 

Sam almost chokes on her food, before her and Pat burst into laughter. Even Abby cracks a smile, but I know that the blonde is just thinking about Mallory's words - or not, because sometimes Abby can be as blind as three Stevie Wonder reunited.

Either way, as Abby and Mallory go grab some coffee, the blonde pushing the wheelchair with confidence, Sam turns to me and says:

"You're right: we gotta do something, and I think getting to Kelley is the first step."

"But seducing Shelina is a terrible idea" Pat adds, raising his eyebrows. 

"That's exactly why it's gonna be so fun!" I exclaim, smirking, as Sam bursts into laughter. As Pat gives me a mocking stare, I add: "What? We are on the verge of going up against a family of psychopaths, am I not allowed to destress the atmosphere before one of you just die out of anxiety?"

"Shut up, silly" Sam warns me, playfully tapping my shoulder.

When Abby and Mallory come back, we change the topic, but when the night came, we just stayed up all night coming up with a plan to take down the Presses. 

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