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How is that a good idea, you might ask? Well, frankly, I knew it was a terrible idea, but as my motto says, YOLO (yes, it is old but still a good moto right?), so fuck everything.

The door opens, and almost immediately closes, if I had not put my hand in between so that it wouldn't close. 

Rachel rolls her eyes, before aggressively asking:

"What do you want, Mewis?" 

Of course some things would never change.

Back in high school, I was the most popular girl: head cheerleader, an average 18.5 and most popular clubs on my CV. My boyfriend wasn't that clever, but he was cute and the quarterback of the school, so we were quite the it-couple in the way that American high school all work the same, and pretty girls want to get with handsome boys. I lost my virginity at 16 so that Jason would stay with me, but by 17 he would've cheated on me, so I publicly destroyed him and his reputation, and he had to transfer schools.

Then, she just came into my life.

Rachel Daly was an exchange student, or so we thought: in reality, she came back to Orange in order to figure things out with her mother after five years apart from each other because her father was a violent prick and Becky left him. Rachel had nothing in common with my type of boys : she wasn't the prettiest girl from an objective point of view, neither was she dumb and centred on sex. Furthermore, she was openly gay, which wasn't that well accepted in Orange High. I was her bully, because I couldn't stand the fact that I was falling for a girl, who couldn't care less about me.

In the end, after I hate-kissed her on a dark alley one night after school, nothing happened and I made sure not to be with her alone anymore. Looking back now, maybe I have a bit a regret.

Pushing those thoughts away, I just respond:

"Hello to you too, Queen Elizabeth" and, sarcastically, I add: "Believe me, if I could've avoided to come here in the first place, I wouldn't have come, so drop the attitude because it's serious."

"You're telling me to 'drop the attitude' when you're the only diva between the two of us?" Rachel answers, not near ready to open the door to me.

I smirk, before leaning against the door frame nonchalantly. 

"Did you change the way you dress? Because I feel like it's even worse than when we were 18" I then openly mock her, smirking.

"That's it: have a very awful day yourself, Mewis" Rachel responds before closing the door at my face.

After a few seconds, I call her and she picks up, to my great satisfaction, as I immediately say:

"Hello, Queen Kristie on the phone, I swear to you what I have to say is very important and will interest you."

"You never interested me, and you were just a bully so, why should I listen to you when you're heading the exact same way than before?" Rachel asks, confident.

"Because this time it isn't about me being a bitch: it's about me trying to do something good for somebody else."

I can hear Rachel's laugh through the door, as she exclaims:

"Well, that'd be a first, ladies and gentlemen: Kristie Mewis caring about somebody else than herself!"

"Let me in?"

She hangs up.

A matter of seconds later, the door opens, and this time I walk into her apartment uninvited, before she gets the change to close the door at me again. Obviously irritated, the Brit closes the door behind me, and stares at me with her arms crossed against her chest.

As she is eye-killing me, I smirk. 

"Listen, although I am not thrilled myself to be there either..." I start, but realising that I was once again attacking her, I just stop talking for a few seconds. As Rachel is staring at me coldly, I continue: "You care about Christen, and I, about Abby. We need to do something about that fake engagement."

The Brit rolls her eyes.

"Oh yeah? How do you plan on going against the evil family when even Christen cannot do shit about it?" 

"That's the point!"I exclaim, trying to make my point. As Rachel seems on the verge of insulting me, I quickly add: "We are not apart of this family, therefore we have more liberty of movements."

"If you really think that's what's gonna save your ass, you're fucking naive: have you seen Shelina's face yesterday? She has nothing to do with this family but being a damn bodyguard but still, Stacey Press managed to force her into getting engaged with her daughter. Those people have power, Kristie, power you cannot go against alone."

This time, I just remain calm and say:

"So, Sam and I have come up with three strike plans, with the title 'Save Pressker' - Sammy came up with the ship name, don't judge - each plan having been selected in regard to its low risk of failure, as well as the fact that we wouldn't go to jail during it."

"Sweet Jesus, you brought Sam into this..."

"So those are the three plans:" I exclaim, ignoring her response, "first, we go all Sherlock and shit on the Presses and we uncover their shady business and expose them. Second, we use Abby's position as a nurse for Mallory Press in order for her to spy on the Presses and, ultimately,  record some sort of on-tape confession. Third, I seduce Shelina Zadorsky and expose her relationship as a fraud so that everybody will start doubting the Presses. What do you think?"

Rachel smirks, making fun of me right into my face.

"Firstly" she starts in a condescending tone, staring at me as if I was a kid who did not have enough candy on Christmas Day, "neither of you or Sam can be compared to Sherlock: he's a British God, so you two will never be as good. Second, Stacey Press and the rest of the household are not stupid enough to trust Abby now that they know she and Christen have a thing for one another, plus, Abby's on the verge of a breakdown so she's not reliable. Third, you have no sex-appeal, so why do you think a beautiful girl like Shelina would fall for you?"

I roll my eyes, truly annoyed this time.

"You know what, Daly?" I ask, raising my voice a little bit. "If you're not kin on helping my sister and I to save two people from a forced engagement, then that's your loss. We'll do just fine without you."

With that said, I turn around and walk through the door. As I am about to close it behind me, Rachel just snaps:

"Maybe you and your dumb sister should look closer to Kelley O'Hara: her father is a close associate to Christen's dad."

Without responding - especially not thanking her - I close the door and drive straight to the coffee shop where Alex Morgan works. 

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