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The day has been abnormally long, as my eyes were closing themselves slowly. Across from me, at the other end of the room, Shelina had fallen asleep on the couch, probably exhausted considering she hasn't slept in 48 hours and is literally carrying a kid in her belly - that has started to show, forcing her to wear oversized clothes so that Stacey Press wouldn't notice right away. 

Ever since Christen has woken up, nobody has been allowed to see her other than her mother and sisters: even Shelina wasn't able to see her, which was complicating things even more: they needed to get their stories straight about Shelina's pregnancy. Altogether, I could feel the stress eating the Canadian up slowly, and a part of me even pity her for the situation she got herself into. 

But I had bigger fishes to fry: Kristie and Abby were in dangerous positions - the first getting involved in a gang, and the other trying to get away with murder - and I absolutely had to find something against the Press so that I could pressure them into not killing any of my sisters, plus Shelina for being pregnant and destroying their plans a bit. 

Currently, as the sun was getting up again, I was still trying to get around the Press' cyber security system, hacking into every tiny bit of it that I could. I managed to get around most of the codes needed to access the database, but I still needed to crack one last code...

And when I finally did, everything opened up and I let a loud scream of joy out of my throat, making Shelina jump out of the couch, almost having a heart attack. Concerned, she rapidly walks toward me, before realising that my eyes were shining in happiness and relief. 

"Oh my God" she lets out, obviously as shocked but relieved as I was, "Oh my God, Sam! You fucking genius!"

With that said, she wraps her arms around me, getting me as close to her as she could, and her smell suddenly invaded my nose, making me feel dizzy. Who on Earth smells that good after not sleeping for two days? I think to myself, frowning. Her embrace tightens a little bit, as I grow uncomfortable: it's probably because I'm so fucking tired

After a few seconds, she releases her grip and our eyes meet each other in what feels like some interminable seconds, and I suddenly get lost in a sea of grey. Her hands are still on my forearms, as I see her looking down at my lips for a second, before awkwardly coughing and looking away, talking her arms with her as she steps back. 

When she looks at me again, it is the first time that I have not seen her confident and comfortable, as her eyes express confusion. 

"Uh..." she starts, but I wouldn't let the uneasy atmosphere settle. 

"Right, so" I immediately start, staring at the screen again, trying to focus. I feel her eyes staring at me, still frowning, as I continue: "Let's uncover the Press' secrets..."

One click, and everything appears before our eyes.

My eyes go wide, as I watch the large files appear one by one, with cryptic titles. I click on some, and find out every information about the gangs related to the Press Corporation, as well as names and pictures. If the police were to put a hand on those files, they could take the Press down. 

Shelina obviously got that, as she lets out, her hand on her mouth:

"They're done."

I nod, as I start transferring everything on a USB-card, scared that something might go wrong. On the screen, a message appears: download, time left: 3 hours 23 minutes... 

Smirking, I look up at Shelina and say without thinking:

"Now we will be able to protect you and your baby"

The brunette smiles, and her eyes soften. 

"It's a girl" she then whispers, obviously moved, her hands touching her belly tenderly. 

I crack a smile. 

"Aw" I let out, not sure how to react. Somehow, Shelina has not been as beautiful and glowing as she is talking about the life growing inside of her, which leads me to say: "You deserve happiness."

"Thanks, Sam" Shelina answers, raising her eyebrow, "so do you."

An awkward silence settles, as some kind of tension rises between us. After biting her lips, the Canadian slowly nods her head and breaks the eye contact, walking toward her own computer, away from me. Frowning because I didn't get where all this was coming from - has it always been there, but I had only realised it now? - I suddenly start to feel numb, trying to repress those invasive thoughts and focus on my work. 

After a few minutes, I grab my phone and call Kristie, who answers right away, visibly driving her car considering the noise behind her:

"Hey, Samuel" she says, somehow joyful, "what's up ? I'm with Abby right now, we're going to the hospital so that she can apply to a new job."

"Oh, great" I let out, smirking, "so you're basically doing a sisters' afternoon without me ?"

"Don't be so dramatic, Sarm" Abby exclaims, smirking, "plus, you're working on something important right now. Is that why you're calling?"

I pause a second, before answering:

"We cracked it."

"Wow, really?" Kristie exclaims, before rapidly adding: "I mean, not that I doubted you but that's so great!"

"You're a freaking genius" Abby adds, raising the stakes. 

"Yes, really" I dramatically let out, making my two sisters laugh. As Shelina stares at me from across the room, smiling at my being a total dork, I add: "We'll be done in three hours and call Krieger and Harris to give them the USB-card, and we're making a copy for us to analyse."

"So cool" Abby exclaims, visibly very joyful. After a few seconds, she adds, making me blush: "You and Shel make an excellent team!"

I awkwardly laugh, before answering:

"Well, we gotta finish the work, so we're keeping you updated okay?" I rapidly say, adding: "Bye"

When I put my phone down, I turn toward Shelina in order to excuse myself for my showing awkwardness and shyness, but I suddenly freeze:

Shelina is standing, a gun pointed at her head by Rachel Daly, who says in a strong tone:

"No one takes Press Corporation down alive"  

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