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I have been shaking since the moment Abby's lips crashed on mine, and everything around me seemed so unrealistic - I would only be a shadow pending on the city, a shadow that cannot be touched nor grasped or seen. 

When I make my way to our huge family manor, however, I felt like I just crashed on the ground pretty hard: waiting for me right outside the door is Kristie Mewis, obviously growing impatient with minutes going by. Immediately, I make the connections: I had asked Crystal to schedule an appointment with her this morning, at... ten. 

The angry blonde stares my way when she hears me arriving, before putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head slowly.

"I bet your ass you wouldn't have been two fucking hours late if it was Abby showing up here"

As soon as I hear that name, I completely freeze, which must've shown on my face because my skin turned white, as I start feeling nauseous.

Kristie raise her eyebrow, surprised.

"Jeez, Press, chill out that was a joke!" she exclaims, staring at me as if I was a Trump supporter or something.

I sigh. 

"Sorry I'm late, I had a lot on my mind..." I start, trying to remain calm although emotions from my earlier meeting with Abby were coming through just now. 

"You look like shit, that's for sure" the blonde says with tactlessness, no finesse. As I am relying on the barrier because I felt my knee trembling, she frowns and adds: "Alright, let's go sit you down before you faint, I don't know how to handle unconscious people."

With that said, she wraps an arm around my waist, supporting me into walking, as I can now rely more of my weight on her. My head starts turning, as we walk up the stairs. Inside, Shelina and Crystal were talking and immediately ran toward us. I can hear them interact with Kristie, but I have a weird sensation in my ears, as if every sound was just so distant. The three of them finally get me to my office, where they seat me on a couch, before Shelina runs out of the room in order to get me some sugar. In the meantime, Rachel had entered the room, having heard about my weird state.

As soon as the blonde enters the room, I can sense a tension between her and Kristie, who just stares at her coldly. But the Brit couldn't care less, as she sits down in front of me and stares at me, confused. When Shelina makes it back, she hands me a glass of orange juice, as well as chocolate. 

Rachel seems worried:

"I have never seen her like this" she only says in a thick Northern England accent, raising her eyebrows. "What happened?" she then asks Kristie, turning toward the blonde.

"Well, don't ask me!" Kristie exclaims, shaking her head, immediately on the defensive. As Rachel is about to respond, she immediately adds: "She was like that when she got there."

"Maybe she is going through some sort of panic attack considering all the stress she has been under lately" Shelina states, as everybody looks at her in surprise. Rolling her eyes, she says: "Don't look at me like that, I have a Masters in psychology!"

After a few seconds, and after taking a bite on the chocolate bar I have in hands, I start thinking more clearly, compartmenting my feelings as usual.

After having pushed the thoughts concerning Abby deep inside, I finally come back to my senses.

"I'm good, probably just a pressure drop" I carefully explain, trying to maintain a straight face. As everybody around me just seems so worried, I add: "Please leave me alone with Kristie, I owe her an appointment and I already am two hours late."

Crystal and Shelina exchange a weird look, as Rachel just expresses what they are thinking:

"But, you need to be careful with your health, those are warning signs and-"

"That will be all, thank you" I coldly cut her, sensing a wave of anxiety building up inside my chest. 

Knowing damn well that I am as stubborn as her, Rachel only nods her head and leaves the room, quickly followed by Shelina and Crystal, after making sure I'd call them if I felt bad again. As the three girls were gone, closing the door behind them, I let out a loud sigh, before setting my jaw.

Kristie, seating across from me, just frowns.

"Are you okay?" she carefully asks, as if she was walking on cutting glass pieces.

Without wanting to, I just burst into laughter - a quick, not that loud, desperate laughter, that reflects all my emotions about my forced engagement, loosing Abby and most importantly loosing myself inside this satanic family. Kristie, surprised to see any emotion coming out of my persona, just sits there, in shock.

After a few seconds, I feel a tear rolling down my cheek, and urge myself to hide it, although I know pretty well that Kristie had seen it already. As her intense eyes are staring at mine, I just stare back and say, deeply honest:

"This is not a question I am allowed to ask myself, otherwise I might just as well fall into pieces."

Kristie nods.

"You know, Abby called me this morning, right before you arrived here" she then says, her eyes not lowering in intensity. As I am uneasily looking away from her, and continues: "She told me what happened, and, to be honest, I have never heard her that panicked, not since I've met her. And something tells me that you weren't insensitive, hence I am wondering if I misjudged you in the first place."

"Uh-uh" I only let out, feeling a burning fire eat up my organs or something. "How so?"

"I thought you were a heartless bitch, but turns out you do have a heart, and everybody is just constantly stepping on it, no wonder it is shattered now."

"What's your point, Kristie?" I ask, running out of patience. 

She smirks. 

"My point is that you, Christen Press, need a Mew-vention" 

"A what now?" I ask, confused.

"A Mew-vention" Kristie proudly repeats, smirking, before she explains herself since I still don't get it: "An intervention by me, Mewis number one."

Oddly enough, that makes me crack a smile, but reality comes back running, as I say:

"I don't know what your twisty plan is, but we cannot compete against my family: they are masterminds in the art of being selfish bitches - if they want me to get engaged to whoever, then they will do everything in their power to make it happen. And God knows all they have is power."

"Let me break it down for you, Pressy: you do have feelings for my sister, right?"

"Ew, for Sam? No-" I exclaim, smirking.

"No, not Sam: the other sister, and you know who I am talking about, don't pretend. Just answer the damn question."

"What for?" I let out, suddenly feeling my heart pounding against my chest. As Kristie rolls her eyes, I add: "Whatever I answer won't change the course of events."

"But it might: do you have feelings for my sister, yes or no?"

I don't have to think twice, although the answer was scaring the hell out of me:


Kristie seems oddly satisfied, as she just gets on her feet and starts walking out of the room.

I get up, as she turns around and only says:

"Then, my dear, I'm gonna help you in any way that I can so that you can escape your messed-up family and be free to love Abby the way you should be able to. Cheers."

With that said, she exits the room, as I sit down on my desk chair, thoughtful. 

Only one person would come to my mind, as I was touching my lips where they touched hers hours ago.

And it is still burning with passion and feelings. 

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