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I start feeling nauseous. 

The two FBI agents in charge of the gang case - in other words, the case where my family is involved like, big time, and already are two corpses that were killed by people associated to  Press Corporation - burst into my office, as Crystal is running behind them, trying to make them wait outside. The first agent is a calm yet cold brunette, with doe eyes, while the second is taller, looks meaner and is more agitated. As Crystal stares at me with an apologizing look, I just nod my head, sign that she can leave us. Shelina, who is standing next to me, just softly squeezes my hand before going out as well. 

Once it is only the three of us, I just show them the chair in front of us, as I say as courteously as I possibly can:

"Good morning, please, sit down. Anything to drink? Tea? Coffee?"

The blonde immediately smirks and responds:

"No, thank you: we won't be here for long, do not worry."

"In fact" the brunette continues, making her associate close her mouth with disdain, while staring right at me. Looking around the room, she then adds: "We only have one question for you: do you plan on helping us destroy your family's wrongful and illegal empire or will you continue to pretend that nothing of sort is happening?"

My blood gets cold.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I blankly lie to their faces, caught off guard.

The two agents exchange a meaningful look, before the blonde drops the bomb:

"Kristie Mewis came to us with undeniable proofs that can bring your family down"

"Then why are you there if you already have anything you need?"

Agent Krieger smirks. 

"We are lacking a source on the inside, Miss Press." she says, trying to remain calm although my resistance was clearly pissing her off. How am I supposed to make a choice that would end my family forever? Do I really want that for them? I think to myself, as the agent continues with the only thing that would make me bend: "And we know for a fact that the information we have heard this morning about Abigail Dahlkemper will help you make up your mind."

Immediately, I feel my heart miss a few beats.

"What do you mean?" I ask all at once, almost chocking on my words.

Shelina puts a hand on my arm, before saying out loud without any shame:

"Honey, they are messing with your mind" she declares, before turning to the agents and continuing on the same tone: "listen very careful to what I am about to say madams the FBI agents: your false accusation are dreadful on their own, let alone the fact that you are trying to use my fiancée's friendship with a citizen to try and push her for more corrosive and inexact information. In the eyes of the law, that is what we commonly call corruption or psychological manipulation. Don't you think you and the institution you defend are better than some low-level rotten investigation?"

Agent Harris sighs. 

"You seem too well-informed, Miss Zadorsky" she lets out, frowning. 

"I studied law at Oxford, so that might explain my expertise in the matters of the law, indeed" Shelina responds coldly. 

"Very well" Agent Krieger says, cutting the grass underneath her colleague's feet as the blonde was about to respond again. The brunette then turns to me, ignoring Agent Harris and Shelina for a moment, before honestly stating: "Listen, Kristie Mewis was very clear about that: you are not a villain, Miss Press, but rather a victim of the circumstances. And the only margin of hesitation you still have regard Miss Dahlkemper and the fact that you know pretty well, deep down, that your family will not live up to their word and leave her alone, because she represents your side of humanity. So you now have two options: either you take the risk of Miss Dahlkemper getting hurt - or worse, if your family intend the same methods they used on ex-gang members that died those past weeks - and don't work by our side to take down your family ; or you work with us and we will set you free from your chains."

"It is not too late, Christen" Agent Harris continues, serious. "You still haven't done anything we can arrest you for, so use this advantage to protect the people you love and the lives of so many others who are on a mental prison your family constructed for them."

There is a heavy silence on the room. 

Of course, my first thought was to picture Abby safe from my family, safe for me to truly consider the deep feelings I was feeling toward her - and God did she deserve to be set free from this pendant threat that was my family for the sole reason that she knew me. But, on the other hand, I just thought about Mallory, and about how she was so vulnerable and needed protection, that my family was providing for her - the only thing they did right. 

It would break her heart if we were to betray each other among the Press family. Setting my jaw, and trying to figure out a way to get myself out of this mess, the only appropriate response I could give was: 

"You must leave now, thank you."

Given my frank and cold response, the two agents just got up and left, although Agent Krieger deliberately left her visit card on my desk. 

As soon as they are out of the room, I bust into loud tears, letting go of all this pressure on me as I was to make a very impossible choice: Mallory or Abby. There was no tangible way I could protect them both. As my body is shaking harshly, Shelina immediately reacts by wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me softly, getting me closer to her, as my tears suddenly roll on her shoulder. 

After some lengthy minutes, I finally stop crying, drained, and ready to think clearly again. Shelina lets me go from her embrace, as she watches me with concern and empathy. After a few seconds more, she states: 

"You handled those two agents pretty well, all things considered. Although I am quite concerned about your position now."

"I don't know what to do, to be honest with you" I admit, shattered. As she is nodding her head slowly, I add: "Mallory's my sister, and I will lover her until my dying breath, and it is my duty to protect her and put her above everyone else. But then, there's Abby... And I cannot protect her too, and it breaks my soul and heart."

Shelina takes some seconds to think about what I said, before saying in total confidence:

"Then, we need to find a way to protect them both - together."

"You don't need to take risks, Shel..."

"You're my fake fiancee, that's enough reason for me to have your back, girl." she insists, smirking. "What do you say, Pressy?"

I nod my head, thoughtful. 

"Okay" I then respond, not sure if her proposition was even possible. 

But I had to at least try. 

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