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QUESTION: who from the new characters (Julie, Tobin, Lucy, Jill, Hailie or Lia) should have their own PoV ? (choose 2 max)


Things have been weird lately, and I don't just mean because of the body that dropped from the ceiling.

First of all, our house is highly guarded at any time of the day, both my gang members and the police, with the sheriff all over our asses.

Second, I couldn't attend school anymore, which means I couldn't see Rose. I thought she'd come to the gala, but she didn't, and now I feel like she doesn't care about me anymore.

Third, Christen seems tensed and mistrusting toward me - I can't blame her because I did go behind her back - and I am scared that she might be the next target of The Patriarch.

Fourth, Kelley O'Hara is back in town for God knows what reason, and this isn't really feeling like a good thing, although she saved my ass once or twice. 

Fifth, being around Sam was very awkward, because she herself was awkward about what happened at the gala with Shelina, and since the brunette hasn't contacted her since (probably because she's a newly mom to be honest) and that everybody saw them kiss. 

Therefore, in conclusion, one could say that I was feeling extremely alone and unstable.

This morning, especially, as I was following my now online classes from my room, I was feeling a bit blue. I missed my friends, and was angry at Christen for taking the decisions for me - although I understand why she'd make them and want to keep me safe. So, here I was, trying to give a fuck about economics when my whole existence didn't make sense anymore.

When someone knocks on the door, I just roll my eyes and yell:

"Go away!"

"No can do, sorry" an unknown voice announces, quite serious.

The door opens slowly, and a girl with blonde hair cut to her shoulders, bright blue eyes and huge dimples appears at the door, wearing a security guard outfit with a Dragon symbol on her sleeve. 

Sighing, I just say:

"Sorry, I thought you were one of those annoying cops - they have been babysitting me all week already"

"Nah, I get it, no need to apologise" the blonde says, before closing the door behind her. As I watch her enter, she extends her hand and declares: "I'm Hailie, and I've been assigned to protect you in case of any danger."

I shake her hand, dubitative. 

"What are you, twelve?" I sarcastically ask, annoyed.

"Ah. Ah" Hailie says, purposely overreacting, "You're the fun one of the bunch, I can tell!"

That makes me crack a smile, as she removes her vest and sits down on an empty chair, taking her laptop out of her bag.

Curious, I just ask:

"So, you're gonna stay here at all times?" 

"Yep" she says, detached, "orders from your sister. By the way, I robbed a bank and almost killed a guy, so you're safe even if I look young."

"Good to know" I just say, hardly swallowing my saliva. 

She laughs, and her melodic laugh invade my ears : she is very hard to not like, honestly, as her positive energy seems to spread through the room. 

She then becomes serious again, before saying:

"Don't worry, I'm supposed to be a good person on the right path, now. Proof: I even am studying in college now."

"Interesting" I comment, "ex-robber turned college girl? Which major?"

"Marketing - I heard it'll make me win a lot of money."

"Well, that ain't false"

After a moment, she just focuses back on her own screen, as I pay attention to my class again - and as I do, I almost choke on my saliva.

On the zoom session, a new person with their camera on appeared on the screen, and I almost fell off my chair: Rose, obviously at her parents' place, was also following this class. My life has been so crazy lately that I haven't been focusing too much on my normal teenager life, and I totally forgot that we planned to take this class together before everything happened.

Hesitating for a moment, I launch a private and direct message with her on Zoom, and the discussion really isn't what I hoped it would be...:

MAL: Hi, you look great. How have you been ?

ROSE: probably better than your answers, since there were none

MAL: i wanted to reach out, but my life's been a bit crazy lately... i'm very sorry Rose 

ROSE: you always are. at least you seem fine - good thing that body everybody is talking about wasn't you. now that i made sure of that, i'd rather we don't talk.

MAL: please, let me explain

ROSE: Mallory, you have had plenty opportunities to reach out, but you haven't, and i think it's quite says it all. 

MAL: no, it's doesn't... i've been a terrible friend, and i shouldn't have punished you when you tried to kiss me. truth is, i freaked out, and i was a jerk. all i want is to talk to you, in real life, so that you can see i truly am sorry.

ROSE: it's too late, Mal, i've moved on. I'm happy with someone else, so please leave me alone and let me follow the class.

I don't respond.

After a second, I just close my laptop too hard and then throw everything off my desk but my computer, with a groan translating my anger. Hailie, still sitting on her chair, just looks up, raising her eyebrows.

I totally forgot she was here for a moment.

"Sorry" I only say, truly sad and annoyed. 

"Bad breakup?" she asks, as she seems to truly care.

I sarcastically laugh.

"We weren't even together, but I messed up and now she's with someone else so... story of my life: major fuck up." I blurt out, unconsciously crying a little. 

The blonde, who realises that I really am in the verge of tears, gets up and says:

"Alright, you weren't going to follow that class anyway, so now let's go take a walk so that you can tell me all about this mysterious person that's driving you so crazy. 'kay?"

I frown, confused.

"Are we allowed to do that?" I ask.

"Jill's right outside" Hailie reveals, as I roll my eyes.

"My sister assigned me with two body guards?" I ask in disbelief. 

"Yes, so that you could go out safely! So, grumpy gal, let's go before I change my mind!"

Without really knowing why, I follow her, making Jill Roord's acquaintance, and spending one of the best and most fun afternoon with two very cool girls. 

For once, I feel like I am breathing.

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