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I just hung up the phone after a very alarming conversation with Abby.

When I turn toward Alex, she already knows the words I am about to say before they even leave my mouth:

"She did just like we thought"

"Perfect" Alex says, nodding her head slowly, "did you launch the tracker's position already?"

On the back seat, Ali Krieger is typing a few codes in her computer, before loudly pressing enter in order to symbolise that it is done.

Nodding my head, I then say:

"Put her current localisation on my GPS, please"

"Done" Ali announces.

Indeed, a new point appears on my screen, and it has stopped moving for a few minutes already now. 

Alex quickly drives us to the closest point near our target that wouldn't make us be seen, before stopping the car as we get out of it. One of my first instinct has been to call her, before she would be able to call for FBI back up in case. 

At first, I didn't believe that Mallory was the Patriarch - I mean, the young girl is as brilliant as she seems nice - but ever since Abby called me with the news carried by Becky Sauerbrunn, we have been establishing most-likely ways she would have to pressure us in case she really was the Patriarch. Needless to say going after Shelina who was the most vulnerable - especially since she would do anything to get her daughter back - was first on our list.

But now, the worse has happened, and we need to fix it before Shelina does something risky or murderous.

"We go in as a united front" Ali orders, giving us indications on how to not get killed - especially since she seems armed. As both Alex and I nod, she continues: "I bet Mallory has called for back up, so in case you hear gunshots, just abort the mission and let me and my people deal with them, okay?"

"Just one thing" I interrupt her, as Alex is rolling her eyes: "We cannot get Mallory unless we are 100% sure she is the Patriarch - Christen would never forgive us, and neither will Abby."

"How many babies does she have to steal for you to believe she's the bad guy?" Alex asks, sassily raising her eyebrows.

I burst into laughter, but Ali remains serious.

"You guys are children" the agent lets out, rolling her eyes at us. As we regain seriousness, she asks a final time: "Understood?"

"Yup" I let out, as Alex nods.

As soon as we exit the car, Ali has her gun pointed in front of her, and Alex closely follows her. We both are armed as well, as our gang leader status help us achieve kind of a police-like immunity. The three of us enter the disaffected building Mallory supposingly is in - isn't it quite funny that two gang leaders and a person working in law enforcement are teaming up right now? - and we soon understand that we are in the right place.

Indeed, we quickly find our way into a sort of platform that allowed us to see onto the main room of the building: somehow, and at our great surprise, Mallory isn't alone. She nevertheless is there, with Shelina's baby in her arms, slowly walking toward some people that we couldn't yet quite see because they were hidden behind another wall. Armed men and women were lined up to welcome Mallory, who didn't seem as confident as she was before.

After a few seconds, as Ali, Alex and myself were hiding in the dark, two people then come forward, and I almost choke on my saliva when I realise that one of them is Becky Sauerbrunn. Her voice raises high onto the ceiling, as she coldly says:

"You have delivered your part of the bargain, therefore Abby Dahlkemper's life is not in danger anymore. Now, give us the child."

"What are you going to do with her?" Mal asks, and we all could feel the insecurity in her voice. 

Becky bursts into laughter, as the other people - hidden under a hoodie - shakes their head. 

"What ? Do you have a sudden burst of conscience, young lady?" the blonde woman sassily asks, smirking, almost mocking the younger girl. As I exchange a confused look with Alex, as Ali is concentrated on the scene, while Becky continues: "The contract was simple: you help us take down your parents and their associates, and in exchange we leave your life, Christen's and the Mewis-Dahlkemper's safe. Baby Zadorsky is needed because we need Shelina to fully commit to us so that we can peacefully arrange Press Corporation's passing into our hands without Christen or anyone else fighting for it."

So that was her big plan: stealing Press Corporation with her secret associate? I ask myself, truly surprised and confused about the scene we are witnessing at the moment. 

But somehow, and for some unknown reason, Mallory still hasn't handed her the baby.

"Do you really believe stealing her baby and then blackmail her will establish a life-long healthy work relationship?" the youngster sassily lets out. 

Becky shakes her head.

"Shelina is mentally strong, which means she won't break easily... Which you wouldn't know since you're not working with us, but rather against us at the moment. Those people has made you soft, especially the Mewis sisters."

"It was never my choice to work with you, Becky, and you know it" Mallory slowly says, holding the baby close to her heart.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Alex and Ali taking their weapons out and pointing them toward Becky: I soon understand that there might be a chance that Mallory will get executed if, firstly, she doesn't hand the baby over to Becky or, secondly, if she does. 

I point my gun as well, waiting for Becky to respond:

"Listen kid: you hated your parents, and it isn't surprising given what they've done to you-"

"I forbid you to even finish that sentence" Mallory warns, deadly serious.

Becky smirks.

"You're just a kid: you don't realise it now, but even if your friends and sister are protected for now, you are responsible for the death of your entire family."

"I am sorry" Mallory slowly concedes, holding Maura closer to her heart, "but I am not going to give you this baby: I'd rather die."

"As you wish, then."

Those words occur only seconds before a gunshot sound pierces the room and shock us all...

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